Mary Lindow ~ The Messenger Podcast



Friday Feb 09, 2024

By Mary Lindow
This  podcast is going to be directed towards the question that many people are asking, (and of course a lot of times believers don’t “ask the question” because they fear that they are going to be judged for asking such a question!) 
But if we don’t ask, we don’t get answers, and so today’s podcast is addressing “What is the Holy Spirit doing during this season”.
I have spent time praying and seeking the Lord well for a good month now  and it’s been an interesting time since the last time we were together, and of course, the assignments God puts or put us into, IN different season of life, they never come without challenges and also without redemptive opportunities! And so, that’s what I’m going to be addressing! 
I’ve heard from the Spirit of God about what I’m to share. 
I am cautious about giving a word for a specific year because it begins to be kind of a measuring stick for some people to then either compete with or, that’s all they go by. “What the Lord said for 2024, 2023”, whatever, and they don’t listen for themselves, because sometimes it’s not about the year, it’s about the season, and a season can be more than one year! It can be more than a week, it can be a month or two!
Wherever we are in the Presence of God in our lives, walking with Jesus, we are in a season, and that season that we’re in right now is a very different time.  That’s where we’re heading today and I encourage you to share this word with those who are crying out to God for answers.
The things that are coming up in this next time and in life for all of us, 
They’re going to be challenging! 
In order to have the times of refreshing we are crying out for and, 
Are desperate for as believers,
We must learn to rule and reign with grace.
Refreshing rains will not fall, and cannot fall in full glory, when we refuse to lay down judgments, manipulations, and self invented “spiritual rules” that do not run parallel with the King of grace who is the ULTIMATE Mercy bringer in this present season. The conviction of God will be strong to cleanse the heart of falsity, the  fear of man and the passivity of half repentance for works of the flesh. 
We can get all the people that we know around the globe to pray for us and to pray over us, but we cannot force out the devil and the darkness of our own unforgiveness and intentional blame-shifting. 
We give the enemy consistent access to our churches and our lives as long as we “lord it over others”, hiding our own sin, pretending that God does not see.
To operate or flow in Mercy means to perform out of a desire to relieve suffering, and is motivated by compassion. The action of forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within   one's power to punish or harm. Mercy shown, prevents something unpleasant or provides relief from suffering.
God will protect you more for doing this than any self-invented cover-up ever could. And, you just might regain relationships with those you have used as stepping-stones to your own deviant self-empowerment.
If we are indeed man or a woman of prayer, the test will come of that deep prayer life when your enemies surround you, accuse you, and often attempt to execute and silence you. 
Some will manifest in this next year as false friends who use and abuse your friendships and contacts, in order to gain access to notoriety and power over all of the things you are supposed be preparing for yourself. 
They will exhaust and weaken you until you once and for all put upon the altar of surrender, any need for someone else to carry you or promote you.  
A man or a woman of prayer in these days, right now, will learn to sweep out iniquity, falseness, slander, and “hierarchical pecking orders” through goodness and humility.
This is a time to trust, to depend upon, to lean upon, the goodness of the Lord. 
This is a time to trust in His sovereignty more than ever before.
It is His right to define what grace is. 
It is not man’s right. 
Prophetic Exhortation 
“And so says the Lord, the Spirit of Grace,
the Voice of Wisdom, and the only Almighty One. 
As you cry out for times of refreshing, for a change in the hearts of men, for a move of my Spirit across the lands of Earth, my command to you is that you begin to create an atmosphere where I may speak My plans, according to My Word and according to My prerogatives.
I will lead you and guide you with enough light each day, as you come to that narrow place with me. 
I will strengthen your weakened emotions and spiritual discernment as you dialogue in honesty with me. 
Some of you must quickly repent of foolish choices and foolish actions that have caused many to be shattered and shamed because you spoke out of a title or calling, rather than out of following my voice.
Begin to dig wells in prayer. 
Become entrenched and immersed in it, never ceasing. 
Prepare places where my rain may fall and cause a fresh drinking place for those yet to taste of my goodness, as well as for those who are thirsty within my Body.
Begin to dig wells in prayer in dry places, with humility and goodness. 
Lean upon me, trust in me, do not lean upon your own understanding, for you have well seen that having done this in the past you have missed many opportunities to prepare a way of salvation for others.
“I have chosen you in the furnace of affliction.” (Isaiah 48:10)
So comfort yourself, weary and tried believer with this thought. Does not the word come like a soft shower, quieting the fury of the flame? Is it not a fireproof armor against the heat, which will then have no power? 
Whatever happens to you in this valley of weeping, know that I have chosen it for you.
If you still require an even greater comfort, remember that you have the Son of man with you in the valley, in that “secret place” with you.  There He sits by your side, One whom you have not seen but whom you love and whether you know it or not, this is the true friend who sticks closely by you.
I will never leave one whom I have chosen as my own.
Great grace. Great mercy. Great promise. 
All these are yours, extended from my hand, and for you to extend, from your hand. 
…To live out the heart and life of the servant as I lead you with the little light that you have at this time. It is all you need as long as it comes from me. 
It is a time to learn to march forward, to dig wells, to prepare, so that others may also drink freely with no restraints.
When I come and speak to you and move among you, I express everything that is pure and lovely and has a good report and sin and uncleanliness depart.
Peace also rains when I move with humble power. Gentleness will be the result of my transforming power. 
Harmlessness will follow, for hearts that are touched by me are never exhibiting any feelings of superiority, self-assertiveness, or showiness.
My grace is sufficient for you, and you will find it if you will seek it, and above all if you will express it!
“Be strong in the grace that is in me.” (2 Timothy 2:1)
As a reservoir empties itself into pipes, so have I emptied out my grace for my people in this Next Wave of My Heart. 
From my fullness you have received “Grace for Grace”. Grace is always available from me, without price.
“Keep yourselves then, from overconfident, arrogant sins.” (Psalm 19:13) 
You will certainly stumble if you look away from the One who is able to keep you from falling. 
Be very cautious about pushing yourself into the forefront of public gatherings and among the more visible. If you are to be used in higher visibility, let it be Me who promotes you there. 
Some who drive themselves to the forefront will also have greater scrutiny and unfortunate exposure of hidden agendas and unholy transactions in this season, and sadly will be brought low again because of their self presumption of importance. 
If your love is fervent, your faith constant, and your hope bright, continue 
nonetheless to be on your guard and cry out, “Keep us from temptation!”
The seasons revolve according to my Divine appointment and man cannot change their schedule. 
In the spiritual as in the natural realm, man’s power is limited.
I alone can remove the winter of spiritual death from an individual or from a church.
Let me hear you say, “Not my will, but as you will oh Lord!” 
As you yield to me my people, I will yield in return and bring the sweetness of my Holy Presence into your very homes, your gatherings, whether modest or larger numbers are attending. 
I look for honest, wisdom-filled, and humble people to move among and to move through.  
Let it be, as I desire! 
As I will!  
Allow me to determine what is the best for you. 
Be content to leave your prayer and your petitions in my hands.
I know when to give, how to give, what to give, and what to withhold.
As you visit me in the secret place of repentance and brokenness, as the path becomes narrower, seeking me earnestly and often times pleading with humility and resignation, you shall surely prevail!
I am the light on your pathway. And, I AM all you need.” 
This Was A Strong Word From The Lord! 
I encourage you to listen to it and read it and meditate over it, several times, allowing the Holy Spirit to do a deeper work in your heart. 
When the Spirit of God speaks to us about a Season that we are in, or about things that are to come, we need to cleanse our hearts from being impatient, and allow Him to do that work that gets down deep inside and pushes out anything that we are running from, or, He begins to deal with the things that we have been asking questions about, and now he’s bringing the answers. 
I bless you today and encourage you to dedicate yourselves to rich and set apart time in prayer and fellowship with the King of heaven. 
I encourage you to dig wells in prayer. 
It’s not glamorous! 
But, I can tell you this we’ve been having prayer gatherings every Thursday evening now for well over two years now, actually, three now, and I can tell you that there have been nights where it seems like two hours went by and it felt like 15 minutes.
The presence of the Holy Spirit is so sweet and thick, and you know the scripture talks about “the weight of his glory” (2 Corinthians 16-18) there is a presence of weight, a thickness of the presence of God, a rich atmosphere.  
We have seen the impossible take place in prayer!  We have seen lives changed,  we have seen court cases reversed, we have seen sick bodies be recovered and restored and miracles take place in families. 
We are grateful to the Lord that when we come together in his name, he is there with us, and that scripture that says whenever two or more gather in  my name there I am in the midst of them, (Matthew 18:20), that can correspond with the scripture verse that talks about a threefold cord is not easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12), and that’s like three strands of a braid. 
When we are braided together, that’s a strong bond with the Lord and He is like a cord that’s bound to us whenever we gather and it’s not easily broken and cannot be broken by any other force,
We live in the presence of a Sovereign, Mighty Force, 
and that is the Savior, Jesus Christ. 
Duplication and sharing of this message is welcomed, provided that the complete message or article and website and podcast link information for Mary Lindow is included. 
Thank You!
Copyright © 2024 " THE MESSENGER "~ Mary Lindow
If you have been impressed by the Holy Spirit to assist Mary helping her to meet other administrative needs such as website, video teachings and podcast costs, or desire to bless her service with Spirit-led Love gifts or regular support:
Please JOYFULLY send your gift in the form of:
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ALL gifts are tax-deductible underHis Beloved Ministries 5013c non-profit status.
We are financially accountable and have been in full compliance
since 1985 with Clergy Financial Advantage.

Tuesday Dec 31, 2019

Prophetic Insights For The Year 2020
By The Holy Spirit transcribed through Mary Lindow
In 2020 the conviction of God will be strong to cleanse the heart of falsity, 
fear of man and the passivity of half repentance for works of the flesh. 
We can get all the people that we know around the globe to pray for us and to pray over us, but we cannot force out the devil and the darkness of our own unforgiveness and intentional blame-shifting. We give the enemy consistent access to our churches and our lives as long as we “lord it over others”, hiding our own sin, pretending that God does not see.
In order to have the times of refreshing we are crying out for and are desperate for as believers, we must learn to rule and reign with grace.
Refreshing rains will not fall, and cannot fall in full glory, when we refuse to lay down judgments, manipulations, and self invented spiritual “rules” that do not run parallel with the King of grace who is the ULTIMATE Mercy bringer.
Mercy. It means to perform out of a desire to relieve suffering, and is motivated by compassion. The action of forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm. Mercy shown prevents something unpleasant or provides relief from suffering.
God will protect you more for doing this than any self-invented cover-up ever could. And, you just might regain relationships with those you have used as stepping-stones to your own deviant self-empowerment.
If we are indeed man or a woman of prayer, the test will come of that deep prayer life when your enemies surround you, accuse you, and often attempt to execute and silence you. Some will manifest in this next year as false friends who use and abuse your friendships and contacts in order to gain access to notoriety and power, over all of the things you are supposed be repairing for yourself. They will exhaust and weaken you until you once and for all put upon the altar of surrender, any need for someone else to carry you or promote you.  
A man or a woman of prayer in these days, right now, will learn to sweep out iniquity, falseness, slander, and “hierarchical pecking orders” through goodness and humility.
This is a time to trust, to depend upon, to lean upon, the goodness of the Lord. 
This is a time to trust in His sovereignty more than ever. 
It is His right to define what grace is. It is not man’s right. 
Prophetic Exhortation for 2020
“And so says the Lord, the Spirit of Grace,
the Voice of Wisdom, and the only Almighty One. 
As you cry out for times of refreshing, for a change in the hearts of men, for a move of my Spirit across the lands of Earth, my command to you is that you begin to create an atmosphere where I may speak My plans according to My Word and according to My prerogatives.
I will lead you and guide you with enough light each day as you come to that narrow place with me. I will strengthen your weakened spiritual muscles as you dialogue in honesty with me and repent of foolish choices and foolish actions that have caused many to be shattered and shamed because you spoke out of a calling, rather than out of following my voice.
Begin to dig ditches in prayer. 
Become entrenched and immersed in it, never ceasing. Prepare places where my rain may fall and cause a fresh drinking place for those yet to taste of my goodness, as well as for those who are thirsty within my Body.
Begin to dig ditches in prayer in dry places, with humility and goodness. 
Lean upon me, trust in me, do not lean upon your own understanding, for you have well seen that having done this in the past you have missed many opportunities to prepare a way of salvation for others.
“I have chosen you in the furnace of affliction.” (Isaiah 48:10)
So comfort yourself, weary and tried believer with this thought.
Does not the word come like a soft shower, quieting the fury of the flame? 
Is it not a fireproof armor against the heat, which will then have no power? Whatever happens to you in this valley of weeping, know that I have chosen it for you.
If you still require an even greater comfort, remember that you have the Son of man with you in the valley. In that secret place with you.  
There He sits by your side, One whom you have not seen but whom you love, and whether you know it or not, this is the true friend who sticks closely by you.
I will never leave one whom I have chosen as my own.
Great grace. Great mercy. Great promise. 
All these are yours, extended from my hand, and for you to extend from your hand.
…to live out the heart and life of the servant as I lead you with the little light that you have at this time. 
It is all you need as long as it comes from me. 
It is a time to learn to march forward, to dig ditches, to prepare, so that others may also drink freely with no restraints.
When I come and speak to you and move among you, I express everything that is pure and lovely and has a good report, and sin and uncleanliness depart.
Peace also rains when I move with humble power.
Gentleness will be the result of my transforming power. 
Harmlessness will follow, for hearts that are touched by me are never exhibiting any feelings of superiority, self-assertiveness, or showiness.
My grace is sufficient for you, and you will find it if you will seek it, and above all if you will express it.
“Be strong in the grace that is in me.” (2 Timothy 2:1)
As a reservoir empties itself into pipes, so have I emptied out my grace for my people in this next wave of My Heart. 
Of my fullness you have received grace for Grace. Grace is always available from me without price.
“Keep yourselves from overconfident, arrogant sins.” (Psalm 19:13)
You will certainly stumble if you look away from the One who is able to keep you from falling. Be very cautious about pushing yourself to the forefront of public gatherings and among the more visible.
If you are to be used in higher visibility, let it be Me who promotes you there. Some who drive themselves to the forefront will also have greater scrutiny and unfortunate exposure of hidden agendas and unholy transactions in 2020 and sadly will be brought low again because of their self presumption of importance. 
If your love is fervent, your faith constant, and your hope bright, continue nonetheless to be on your guard and cry out, “Keep us from temptation!”
The  seasons revolve according to my Divine appointment and man cannot change their schedule. In the spiritual as in the natural realm, man’s power is limited.
I alone can remove the winter of spiritual death from an individual or from a church.
Let me hear you say, “Not my will but as you will oh Lord! 
As you yield to me my people, I will yield in return and bring the sweetness of my Holy Presence into your very homes, your gatherings, whether modest or larger numbers are attending. I look for honest, wisdom filled, and humble people to move among and to move through.  
Let it be, as I desire! As I will!  Allow me to determine  what is the best for you. 
Be content to leave your prayer and your petitions in my hands.
I know when to give, how to give, what to give, and what to withhold.
As you visit me in the secret place of repentance and brokenness, as the path becomes narrower, seeking me earnestly and often times pleading, with humility and resignation, you shall surely prevail.
I am the light on your pathway. And, I AM all you need.”
Duplication and sharing of this message is welcomed, provided that the complete message or article and website information for Mary Lindow is included.   Thank You!
Copyright © 2020 " THE MESSENGER "~ Mary Lindow
Do you or a loved one need prayer?
There are faithful intercessors around the world who are ready and who are prepared to pray for you.
 Please send your Requests to:
If you have been impressed by the Holy Spirit to assist and bless the needs that Mary has when asked to travel and minister or to helping her to meet other administrative needs such as web site and podcast costs,  or desire to bless her service with Spirit-led Love gifts or regular support:  
Please JOYFULLY send your gift in the form of: 
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Under the name of - His Beloved Ministries Inc.
ALL gifts are tax deductible under His Beloved Ministries 5013c non-profit status.
We are financially accountable and have been in full compliance
since 1985 with Clergy Financial Advantage.

Saturday Jul 06, 2019

By Mary Lindow
As I sit here in the outdoors this evening enjoying an unusually cool and brilliantly moonlit sky, I am stirred to speak openly and transparently about the things that God is not only dealing with in my personal journey with him, but also some of the trends and presumptions that occur in the world of “Christendom” when it appears and feels as if the Father God is far off and seemingly unresponsive to the cries of those desperate for relief and merciful compassion.
Through his own personal agony, King David came to a new understanding of what it really was that God required from man.
God is not interested in our outward sacrifices or "offerings."
This does not necessarily mean that God never requires outward forms of worship or expression or observances. Many lines of Scripture prove that at times he does. But it does mean that these are not the things that he requires first. If our religious practices contain nothing more than outward actions and performance, then God takes no pleasure in them.
God always looks underneath what goes on outwardly, and looks to the motives and the attitude of the heart. What does he look for there?
 David tells us in Psalm 51:16 -17
“For you delight not in sacrifice, or else would I give it; you find no pleasure in burnt offering. 
The sacrifice [the sacrifice acceptable] to God is a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart [broken down with sorrow for sin and humbly and thoroughly penitent], such, O God, You will not despise.” 
These are not common words to our ears these days! 
Just what does it mean when God asks that we have a broken spirit?
 Does he want us to be beaten down and humiliated? 
I am sure that this is not his plan. So? What IS a broken spirit? 
It is an “inner self” that has come totally to the end of it-self. It makes no claims, and offers no arguments. All independence, all self-will, self-promotion, all self-righteousness have been pruned away.
Such a spirit simply turns and trusts completely upon God, not trusting in his own skill, merit, popularity, or ability to influence. This one who has willingly allowed the disciplining of his soul knows that he or she must only trust in God and his unrelenting mercy.
If we will ALLOW Him to guide us, HE knows how to produce this brokenness of spirit in each of us. Just remember, he treats us as individuals. And he would never abuse our individuality. He uses just the right amount of intensity needed to accomplish his desires, that we would relinquish our mistrust in his plan and fully step into total abandonment, willingly accepting his plan.
“For he does not willingly bring affliction or grief to the children of men.” 
-Lamentations 3:33
If there was ever a man who had to face affliction also known as “discipline” - it was David. I am amazed that he never became bitter. He even admitted that it did him good! God allows us to come under afflictions/discipline, not because he is mad at us, nor because he has rejected us. It is actually a demonstration of his faithfulness.
When he sees us taking a wrong turn that will lead to our own harm and damage, he allows difficulty and affliction/discipline to turn us back to the way that leads to peace and blessing.
When I say affliction, I am not accusing God of bringing about harsh and devastating blows in order to knock us down and break our arms in the process.
No! No! No!
In Psalm 119:67, 71, 75 it says:
 "I used to wander off until you disciplined me;
 but now I closely follow your word.
My suffering was good for me,
for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees.
I know, O Lord, that your regulations are fair. 

You disciplined me because I needed it.
How do we respond when we are "thrown a curveball" and everything we carefully planned out and prepared for suddenly takes a turn we did not expect?
David did not view afflictions/disciplines as disaster. He saw it as a form of correction - something to adjust his life. He was saying, “Before I was afflicted/disciplined I went astray and I suffered for it. Now I've learned my lesson! It pays to obey your word!”
May I caution you? Don't fight back! And whatever you do, do not argue with God! Admit that God is dealing with you and allowing an affliction/a disciplining, a difficulty or disappointment, to address major issues of stubbornness, lazy spirituality, dependence upon others for water from the word, and more than often - a sour and willful independence that does not like accountability in every area.
“God? Am I off the pathway that you have planned and have willfully gone my own way?”
The Lord is seeking, looking, longing for you to turn away from things that are harmful and to bring you back to things that are in his purpose and plan.
If we are willing to learn from these afflictions/disciplines, there will come a time when we will indeed look back with gratitude for the things we have learned and matured in.
My dear friends, we were not created to serve ourselves or to meet our own needs. Whatever we need, the Lord will see to it that we get it, as we move along the pathway that he has chosen. You may be asking the question, “Why is it so hard for me to hear from the Lord at first when it comes to difficult issues and decisions?”
We must understand we cannot instantly “unlearn” what we have lived our entire life.
We must as the Scripture says be "transformed" from who we are to what we want to be.
We need to understand with our whole heart that we were intended to be godly in every way. In our relationships with others, and above all, in our relationship with God the father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. If one is out of order then both will be.
But! As a dear brother in the Lord by the name of Larry Reese says, 
“We are not to fear the passing of time or fear that we are wasting time by spending time with the Lord, searching out his word, and being still in his presence.
You will never lose anything by doing these things!”
It's no secret that social media has become quite a form of communication! One of the problems that can occur when “listening” to trends, blogs, and commentary from others is that sources quoted and information gathered might well be skewed to interject thoughts and opinions into the minds of those who never think for themselves.
Believers in Christ are not to be uninformed, but they are to be wise about what they “ingest and digest” when it comes to the lifestyle of a Christian.
Do not rely upon the wisdom of men to help you to ultimately reach the destiny that God himself paid the price for. He is not an ego- driven maniac looking for his entourage of followers to validate his importance!
He "paid it forward" so that we would have the opportunity to walk upon a pathway, although narrow, that leads to purposeful living and a fruitful reaping of productivity that will only advance us into further opportunities to speak of hope and a purpose for others.
If there were one thing that sickens the heart of God it would be underhanded and slippery craftiness oozing from those who resist the full aspect of allowing God to create in them a clean and contrite heart.
It always amazes me how individuals that need notoriety and a place of “mystical” influence seem to be able to cunningly discredit good and godly saints around them who have perhaps lovingly warned them about deceptive practices or micro-management control issues, knowing that they risk the loss of relationship when doing so.
It is as if these individuals secretly feel entitled to sidestep the issue of preferring your brother or sister, and humbly listening to their insights and observances.
Equally amazing, are those who listen to only one side of a conflict or disagreement, and then spiritualize-away the facts that harm or discord has happened.
And so, the Lord allows the difficulties and afflictions to come and expose the areas of favoritism, embracing the “new and exciting”… 
…Rather than the narrow and at times - dry pathway to mature godliness.
 There will always be among us, those claiming to have “THE” word of the hour, the “message of the forefathers”, and on and on the platitudes and justifications are listed to justify the mocking and putting down of the simple and unique message of self-abandonment.
Listen to the “tone” in the voice of those addressing the crowd, the congregation, or perhaps a small study group. False humility has a highly "honeyed" pitch of barely restrained condescension, laced with heavy doses of unsolicited advice and counsel.
Rarely will individuals who have an exaggerated view of their own importance allow others to warmly and intimately engage in transparent communication and dialogue regarding the unique and yet equal calling and gifting of each child of God. 
These words have been spoken out from the Lord over the lives of many who seemingly can hardly lift their heads due to delays, betrayals, losses, and a deep, deep internal anguish. It seems as if God sees greater fruitfulness when we are at the bottom of the proverbial "barrel"!
Those who are forever wishfully proclaiming that the “bad times are over and good times are ahead” are sadly attempting to override the ache of the soul when it longs to return to the comfort zone of self indulgence.
“But look, you are trusting in deceptive words that are worthless!” -Jeremiah 7:8
Know this. To avoid the chastening and bruising of our souls is a guarantee that not only will you cause devastating and brutal pain to others, but also most importantly, you shall grieve the Holy Spirit.
The Lord is not one who neither “excludes” nor leaves the broken out in the cold, nor does he invite into his inner courts of wisdom and revelation, those who would use it to their own personal advantage or fame.
It is time to face the chastening of the Lord in the light of the purpose he has behind it. Growing up and maturing finally in the things he has been dutifully prodding you to do for a long time now.
For once and for all make the decision to not blame-shift or deflect onto others what God is dealing with in the wickedness of your own soul.
Now is the time to be willing to lose your life, to be afflicted -- yes even to the point of having the Lord remove and expose those who have become disobedient, self-promoting, and abusive in the circles you walk within.
 “SEE TO IT that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” Colossians 2:8
The Lord is speaking! Listen!
He has wisdom to impart to you that may well save and instruct others who might fall into foolish behavior. It is not about your comfort, your "wants" nor even your dignity! It’s about a willingness to be the servant of the Savior, and to emulate His example.
He Is Speaking....
...But are we listening?
“The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue,
To know the word that sustains the weary.
He wakens me morning by morning, Wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.”
Isaiah 50:4
Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed as long as that complete source,
website and podcast information
for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank You
Copyright © 2019 THE MESSENGER " ~ Mary Lindow
Your Gracious Support and Donations Are So Very Helpful And Assist Mary In Publishing Her Teaching Podcasts, Blog Materials and soon coming "Mentoring Moments" Video teachings.
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Eastlake CO 80614 
United States

Saturday Mar 23, 2019

By Mary Lindow
"He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To do justly, to love kindness and mercy,
To humble yourself and walk humbly with your God."
-Micah 6:8
ALTHOUGH I DO BELIEVE THAT THERE IS A FRESH EXPRESSION OF THE HEART OF THE FATHER STIRRING IN THE EARTH, I also see that there is a lot of "bashing" regularly occurring due to the abuse that others have exhibited in their places of calling, aimed at those who have been true to what the Lord has asked them to do in His name, and this has caused not just a little sorrow.
WE MUST CLEARLY SEE THAT CORRUPTION CAN RAPIDLY OCCUR IN ANY PERSON OR ANY GROUP, ORGANIZED, RELAXED, OR OTHERWISE, when the tendency to think that they have arrived at a new or deeper revelation about something more so than others who perhaps express the Lord's voice differently.
AT THE HEART OF ARROGANCE IS SELF-CENTEREDNESS. And self-centeredness is the foundation of human sin. I believe any serious attempt at self-examination by an honest person will reveal that we humans are sinful and flawed beyond measure.
Paul writes,
“So I find it to be a law that when I want to do what is good, evil lies close at hand…Wretched man that I am! Who will save me from this body of death?”
WE ARE CONSUMED BY SELF. And every time we arrogantly place our own needs before others we are enslaved by sin.
How about the words of Jesus? What did he say?
"Everyone who exalts himself (for example, "Aren't I great? Aren't I right? Don't I always have the best opinion?") will be humbled.
But he who humbles himself (for example, "This is my opinion but it may not be right. I don't have a corner on the market of truth") will be exalted."
THE LORD IS NOT SPEEDING UP THE DELIVERY OF ANY "FRESH THING" IN THE EARTH IN ORDER TO GET US TO HIS PURPOSES QUICKLY. No. He is testing the hearts of men and women everywhere, looking for humility, selflessness, and honor, for those who although not perfect, have also served and pointed the way to salvation for many years previously.
These key character issues attract the pure and simple Presence of the Lord. Blessed are the PURE in heart...for they shall see God.
Until the Body of Christ that has been through many difficult and shattering events, rids itself of bitter and venomous words against one another and accepts that each one like sheep have gone astray and turned to what pleased them at the moment, there will be little evidence of much harvest .
THE LOST AND CONFUSED WORLD OUT THERE WATCHES CHRISTIANS TEAR EACH OTHER TO SHREDS DAILY AND WONDERS WHY WE ARE ASKING THEM TO JOIN US! Remember Christ’s two great commandments—love God with all your being, and love your neighbor as yourself.
SELF-CENTEREDNESS IS THE REVERSAL OF THE GREAT COMMANDMENT. Self-centeredness means to place ourselves first, in effect proclaiming our own form of self-government (not needing or wanting the advice or insight of others), therefore our neighbors become an afterthought, and God becomes simply a convenience to be considered only when it’s helpful to us.
It is evident even in our language that self-centeredness is woven into the fabric of the human experience.
THE ONE TRUE SACRIFICIAL MODEL TOLD US THAT HE WOULD SEND THE VERY SPIRIT OF GOD IN ORDER TO CONVICT ALL PEOPLE OF SIN, TO COMFORT, TO GUIDE, AND TO SET THEM FREE. Indeed. The very evidence of a redemptive type of life, is in one who washes the feet of his/her brothers and his/her enemies in an act of cleansing the dirt from the road of life off of the pathway to the Truth.
May we truly hear the sound of the unmistakable heartbeat of a redemptive model rising up in clear resounding purity, personal transparency, and in the covering of the multitude of sins by speaking and meditating only on those things that are noble, just, pure, and of a good report.
AS INDIVIDUALS AND AS NATIONS, THE ANTIDOTE TO ARROGANCE AND SELF-CENTEREDNESS IS A HEAVY DOSE OF HUMILITY. That is; a profound willingness to recognize the value and respect the dignity of every human life. And, furthermore, a humble heart calls us to seek and serve Christ in ALL persons by giving of ourselves willingly for the welfare of other people.
"Do not let a wise man brag about how wise he is. Do not let a strong man boast about how strong he is. Do not let  a rich person brag about how rich he is.
But here is what the one who brags should boast about. He should brag that he has understanding and knows me. I want him to know that I am the Lord.
No matter what I do on earth, I am always kind, fair and right. And I take delight in that".  -JEREMIAH 9:23-24 (NIV) 
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Friday Dec 21, 2018

By Mary Lindow
Greetings Brothers and Sisters!
 I’m sure that you’ll remember the story that on Christmas Eve, Ebenezer Scrooge is locked up in the darkness of his dim house. Dickens tells us, “Darkness is cheap, and Scrooge liked it.”
Today, we still know that darkness is cheap, easy to find, and its raw materials of despair and denial are in abundant supply.
Scrooge liked darkness, as we often do, because it hides what we fear, keeps us from facing what is true, and allows us to be blind to truth. But like so many things that come cheaply, our overindulgence in them comes at great cost.
Out of Scrooge’s darkness appears the ghost of Jacob Marley, Scrooge’s former business partner. Marley comes not to haunt Scrooge, but to free him. Scrooge sees that Marley is bound in chains. “Why are you fettered?” Scrooge asks.
“I wear the chain I forged in life,” Marley says. “I made it link by link, and yard by yard,” and he tells Scrooge that the chain that will fetter him in the darkness is even longer, heavier and harder still, if he does not leave the darkness.
WOW! There is a lot of wisdom here!
Though chains placed by others might fetter us, most of our chains are forged by the part of our spiritual self that likes the darkness and shuns the light. Marley was fettered to cashboxes, deeds and ledgers, as was Scrooge.
What would fetter or chain you?
Brothers and Sisters, the life of any leader or person in some form of care, supervision or one with employees or volunteer workers, a person with a bit of over-site over others, needs to be bravely examined, fully exposed to the pure and strong light of God’s eyes and checked often for hardness of heart, the love of acumen, pride in achievements and the over lording of others.
Jesus coming into the world—God in human skin—announced what had been hoped forever, that the captive person would be released from the darkest prisons—physical and spiritual. To our inner spiritual soul, our chains and fetters will be crushed, if we are willing to leave the darkness. Like Scrooge, do we need to be “scared out”? Shaken from slumber?
Scrooge could not receive the simple gift of Christmas, so ghosts rather than grace were sent. But, the result is love.
We need the light of God’s love that by its very nature is a love that comes to give us and those we serve, value and worth, not a love that comes because we are already valuable and worthy.
The entire point of "A Christmas Carol" is that Scrooge is entirely unworthy of God’s mercy, because Scrooge has no mercy! But! Mercy and love come to Scrooge through the judgment of the ghosts, and this "transformation" makes the unworthy Scrooge, worthy again.
The light of God that comes as love, forgiveness and hope is a light that brings judgment. I know that most of us get uncomfortable when talking about God’s judgment, because we are so afraid that we are unworthy of God’s love.
But, look at Scrooge! Without God’s light, without the promise of God’s love, Scrooge is doomed!
It is love and judgment bringing him into the light. Can we now see that judgment by God as a form of God’s love? His way of exposing the darkness of our own souls? Romans 2:16 has proof of this probing of our secret lives!!
“And this is the message I proclaim--that the day is coming when God, through Christ Jesus, will judge everyone's secret life.”
Oh friends! Will we ever fully learn that God does not love us because we have value, but instead, HE loves us to give us worth? Life without the pure love of God coursing through our being is a vapor and miserable! 
Let's say to the Spirit of God with all of our hearts, the words Scrooge humbly uttered after he was confronted and faced his darkened heart.
"I will honor Christmas in my heart,
and try to keep it all the year."
What is Christmas?
When Heaven kissed earth with the greatest act of sacrifice...
... Sending us a Redeemer.
Who is Christ the Lord?
He IS THE Spirit, of CHRISTmas!
Let’s Humbly Pray this prayer together,
Father God, be gracious to me I pray, according to your loving- kindness. Father, my sins are heavy against me and my soul is troubled. For the many wrongs I have done against you and for the many evil thoughts and unholy attitudes I have allowed to influence my heart, and rule my life, for far to long.
I have sought to condone my wrongdoings, and ignore the voice of my conscience within. And I ask your forgiveness for my foolish pride, in ignoring the gentle promptings of Your Holy Spirit.
Forgive me I pray, and restore to me the joy of your salvation. For you have promised that all who truly confess their sins will be forgiven and returned back into a right relationship with you - and cleansed from all unrighteousness.
Lord the sacrifice of my heart is brokenness before You, My soul is truly contrite and my desire is to return into a right relationship with you. I know that the consequences of my wrong choices may remain with me for a long time – but I ask that in Your grace and mercy You would forgive my sins and cleanse my soul and restore me into a right relationship with Yourself – and my heart will rejoice in God my Savior, in Whose name I pray,
Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed provided that complete source, podcast and website information                for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank You Copyright © 2018
 “THE MESSENGER "~Mary Lindow
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Saturday Feb 06, 2016

By the Holy Spirit through Mary Lindow
“The LORD is slow to get angry, but his power is great,
And he never lets the guilty go unpunished.
He displays his power in the whirlwind and the storm.
The billowing clouds are the dust beneath his feet.”
-Nahum 1:3 
 We are in high-pressured days that seem as if
everything around us is in a great whirlwind.
The noise coming from
the media, the weather patterns, the sounds of war, the sounds of people crying
out for “Justice” and the sounds of people crying out because they feel like
there's been too much “In-justice”.
I know there are many
MANY prophetic words being ushered into the media outlets by so many people and
many have been spoken out in meetings and conferences.  I wish that I could tell you that every
single voice you're listening to and every promise that is being made to you
regarding great wealth, great promotion, and great open doors are accurate. But
deep down inside of your spirit man, there is something stirring that you
cannot explain. It's that knowing that something is coming, that something has
begun out there in the world that we cannot see, but that we know in the
But, we do have
reference points to go to that tell of similar warnings and events that took
place in the past. We can remember when Lot chose to go for the things that
were more pleasing to his flesh and where he would have more abundant provision
and opportunity for business trade, but in the end he was stuck in the city
where there was nothing but illicit sex, graft, stealing and robbing, and
eventually total desolation and demolition. Even as the Lord provided a way of
escape, his wife still had the smell, the stench of the worldly life in her
heart, and she turned around to look one more time, fondly, over her shoulder,
at the home that she dreaded to leave behind.
did not build that famous ark in a month! No! It took a long, long period of
time to build the ark out in the middle of nowhere!   A simple study of
the Bible text shows that the time from when God told Noah to build the ark,
till the rain fell was no longer than about 75 years.
And yet he obeyed
God.  If we read carefully, it says that
the Lord himself drew the animals to the ark. First, it is necessary to note
that Noah was not told to gather the animals. He was commanded only to build
the Ark, large enough for all the animals, and simply receive the animals when
they arrived. "And of every living thing of all flesh, . . . two of every
sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive" (Genesis 6:19-20).
In Jeremiah
23:19 God is talking about a whirlwind that He has sent—a violent
windstorm. The false
prophets have said, "No bad is coming" (verse 17).God says, "Do they ever listen to me? I've said, 'I'm sending a whirlwind, and
it's going to fall on the heads of the wicked.' How dare they say that
everything is going to be okay!”
What is coming is bigger
and broader and wider and more destructive than anything else that we have ever
seen. I don't know if it's a nuclear war! I don't know if it's bizarre weather
patterns! And I don't know if it's not just a whirlwind of new kinds of ideas
being foisted upon mankind.
There are people who are
aware in the spirit that the only stronghold in place right now, a place of
immunity and safety, is in prayer and in in surrendering to all that the Lord
is asking of them. Many of you are stretched beyond the point that no one can
understand. Their financial resources have been given and given again to help
others, and yet their own supply seems to be dwindling. There are those who
have poured into the lives of others, poured into businesses, poured into
mentoring and training others, and yet it appears as if when they reach out
there's nothing left in the pantry for them.
If HE told you to give
and to serve and to sacrifice, then you can be guaranteed one thing. He does
not withhold from those who have been faithful.
“But this I say, He which sows sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and
he which sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully. - 2 Corinthians
"And God, who
supplies seed for the sower and bread to eat, will also supply you with all the
seed you need and will make it grow and produce a rich harvest from your
generosity." -2 Corinthians 9:10
I want to encourage you
right now in the spirit to understand the time that we are in, is a time when
nothing is making sense when trying to apply the past patterns and methods or,
the natural way of living. It's going to
take a determined, dogged, supernatural approach to understand the seasons the
days and the times.
God already understands
all of this, but He is not going to communicate to people who will then try to
communicate it in natural terms to those who don't have ears to hear. He's
going to communicate truth and wisdom to those were willing to allow their own
hearts to go into the fire of refining and changing the way that they have done
things in the past.
fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts
have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.”
-Psalm 111:10
Hard times require sober
minds and the determination not to be towed under by destruction and despair.
THIS WORLD, even though it sure does
draw our attention from the left and the right! We are to instead, focus on a
specific path, a narrowing of vision and a “one direction” place.
 And what exactly does that all
It means that we are to seek
the Face of the Father. 
And I mean seek and to seek, and to seek again. Continually.
“Seek the LORD and his
strength, seek his face continually.”
-1 Chronicles 16:11 
We have got to break
down those things that are holding back the move of God in all denominations of
the Christian faith.
It will only come by Seeking His Face,Seeing His Heart
for people
Hearing His Plans
for them, and for us!Oh how the Father wants to
bring a fresh move of his presence through His word and through His glorious
walks that claim to have Jesus Christ as the head of the faith! So many smugly
think that because they have been charismatics or that they have been “spirit-filled”
they have a higher attained level of wisdom and discernment! This is nothing
but plain arrogance. If anything, there should be a more refined level of
humility and thankfulness for the fact that we have access through the gifts to
flow in the fruits of the Spirit.
“The LORD Almighty has a day in store for all the proud and lofty, for
all that is exalted (and they will be humbled).”
Isaiah 2:12 
“Yes, the winds are
blowing and they are harsh winds and some are absolutely destructive winds!
Everything that does not stand under the power of my word and is not anchored
in Me shall be shifted and blown and shaken, and at times the winds of drastic
change will draw away the dross from the wheat. I am sifting and shaking, and
shaking and sifting again and again until my people understand they do not live
in a time where making demands and commands to Me operate well.
I am looking for a people
who will bow low enough before Me and get quiet and seek My will, MY WILL
for planet earth! This world is fading away quickly and mankind is corrupted
each day more and more to go the way of the flesh.
YOU MUST PUT AWAY THE NOISE! You must put away the
noise in your life and enter into the place were in the center of the storm is
the eye. MY EYE is upon the
righteous, My eye is upon those that are fruitful and faithful, and fruitful to
Me may be different than fruitful to you!
You cannot serve two masters,
yet many have tried to justify the shutting away of My convicting voice when I
have told them to go back and make right the situations where they have done grievous
damage to others who are supposedly their family members in Christ.
If you cannot repent and
get relationships right in the Kingdom now, I cannot use you to forge new relationships
in the future in My Kingdom. If you have bitterness, anger and jealousy in your
heart, it will manifest with shaming and name-calling, as well as condescending
and destroying another's capability to serve me well.
The days of selfish
ambition and immaturity are closely coming to an end. My light, My life, My word and My ways are perfect! I will not
deviate from My plan for the Kingdom of God in the earth. I am looking for a
people who will not listen to the accusation of others nor slander and destroy
their brother and sisters because of another's opinion, or perhaps because they
themselves were brought a loving correction or warning and instead, turned
around and shamed the messenger.
I see you all and I am
fully aware of the things that have been done in My name to hide behind selfish
ambition. A judgment time is coming!
Know this. I am about to
expose those who abuse the gifts, abuse their titles and abuse the finances
that I have deemed for the kingdom and I'm going to bring their names to the
forefront to save their souls!
Yes, the whirlwinds may
blow, and the storms and winds will be continuing to cycle and swirl. But I'm
looking for those who are willing to stay in the center of My Eye, where there
is quiet and there is calm and there is discernment, direction and wisdom for
these devastating days.
To those in the center of My Eye, I will pour out a wisdom
beyond mankind's understanding and they will rise up and have the words that
will bring direction, correction, and light into dark places.
The eyes of the Lord keep watch
over knowledge,
but he overthrows the words of
the traitor.
-Proverbs 22:12
"For a man's ways are before the
eyes of the Lord, and he ponders all his paths."
-Proverbs 5:21
Stand prepared, for I'm
doing this thing regardless of whether man is ready or not. I am that I Am and
I will have my way in the earth, says the Lord of Hosts.
For this
is what the high and exalted One says-- He who lives forever, whose name is
"I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite
and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart
of the contrite.”
and sharing of this writing is welcomed, as long as the complete message and
all websites and information for Mary Lindow is included.
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THE MESSENGER " Mary Lindow  (podcast)

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