Monday Feb 03, 2020
By Mary Lindow through the Holy Spirit
Dear Believer,
I am not against you! I am with you! I am not far away from you!
I am more real, more alive, and more at work in this world, than you can sometimes believe!”
“I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth,
can’t you see and discern it, perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.”
-Isaiah 43:19
We all know and can relate to a bible story or parable that begins with a voice of mercy and compassion crying out in the wilderness in those strange and desert-like, dangerous places where we least expect it but most need it.
A MAN WAS TRAVELING DOWN A WILDERNESS ROAD that was so dangerous that it was sometimes called “the way of blood” or “the bloody pass.” And there out in the wilderness, the man fell into the hands of robbers, who stripped him, beat him, leaving him half dead on the side of the road.
As the man lay on the roadside, somewhere between Jerusalem and Jericho, somewhere between life and death, wanting to live, but also maybe wanting to die, he is ignored by two religious leaders who are also traveling down the same road.
GOD ONLY KNOWS WHY THESE MEN WHO YOU WOULD EXPECT TO STOP AND HELP, BLATANTLY IGNORED THE MAN. Maybe the were afraid of being defiled by touching a bloody corpse, thinking it might be a dead man, and heaven forbid they break with religious practices and protocols! Perhaps they thought the robbers were still nearby, or maybe they thought the man lying on ground was only pretending, playing some sort of trick so that when they came near him he could beat and rob them. For whatever reason, they believed it was much too risky for them to stop and risk care and extend compassion.
THEN ALONG CAME THIS OTHER MAN. Luke calls him a Samaritan, which means this was someone who was despised and rejected by the religious establishment, someone who was often misunderstood and rarely respected, someone who knew something about pain and brokenness, betrayal and abandonment, God-forsakenness. Someone who had spent many days and nights in the wilderness, himself being tempted and tried.
THIS ONE MAN WHO WAS THE LEAST AMONG THEM in their ability to see and perceive, never expected to stop and help, saw the man. He saw the man’s wounds, saw the man’s fear, saw the man’s despair and was moved with mercy and compassion. And there in the wilderness he risked his own life as he sacrificially came to him, selflessly bent himself down to the ground, and joined the man.
The man did not have to do anything to make this one come to him. Out of pure love, unconditional and unreserved, this one just came.
He then touched the man where the man most needed healing, pouring oil and wine on the man’s wounds and bandaging them. He then picked the man up and safely carried him out of the wilderness. He stayed with him, at his side through the darkness of the night. When morning came, he paid for the man’s debts, and made the promise: “I will come back. I will return.”
CAN YOU NOW UNDERSTAND THAT IT IS GOD SEEING ONE LYING IN THE WILDERNESS IN THEIR WEAKEST, MOST BROKEN STATE? Seeing one in their most desperate, most vulnerable need, and it is God being moved with mercy and compassion for that one?
It is a voice crying out from the heavens into the wilderness:
“I am for you, not against you, I am with you, not away from you.
I am Emmanuel! (God WITH you!)
I will risk my own life for you.
I will give my all to take care of your wounds and to pick you up,
to forgive all of your debts.
And when you are ready, I will come back, and I will take you unto myself, so that where I am, you will also be.”
Yes, right now in this very time, begins a move and season with God for those willing to STOP on their pathways of purpose and planning and to be a voice crying out in the wilderness in those places where we may least expect it, but where it’s needed the most.
YOU AND I ARE TO GOING TO COME UPON WOUNDED PEOPLE along our paths as we journey. Their wounds are not bloody and gaping holes on the outside. Instead, their hearts are broken. They have forgotten how to smile, for real, from the inside. They are insecure, lonely, and they wish they could trust again.
THEY CARRY UNSEEN LOADS OF GUILT, SHAME, AND SELF-LOATHING. They never feel comfortable in their own skin. They feel different although they don't quite know what 'normal' is. Broken hearts, oppressed spirits, mangled emotions, and tormented thoughts. Lying along the path you just happen to be traveling.
IF YOU'VE MET CHRIST, THEN YOU'VE MET THE HEALER. The One who makes all things new, a perfect Redeemer, has touched you. You are sealed with His Spirit. Spirit-filled believer you are a stream of living water that these people need to be saved, healed, and restored. The Spirit of God is often signified in the Old Testament Scriptures as holy anointing oil, and indicated in the New Testament Scriptures to be like a heart-gladdening new wine.
Your tongue is the ladle, and your words the stream!
Speak kind words.
Speak healing words.
Proclaim truth.
Share the absolute truth of Jesus Christ.
Pray and intercede with faith.
YOU AND I ARE MEANT TO BE MORE THAN AN OCCASIONAL GOOD SAMARITAN. We are always on duty, as an ambassador of Jesus Christ and a minister of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18-20). You are drawing on a never-ending supply!
SO GO ON! Pour out the oil and the wine.
“It’s The Season and Time, To Pour Out The Oil and Wine”
“When I the Spirit of Grace and Compassion look down upon mankind, I do not see as man sees. No! I see each situation, hear each conversation and discern what is good and evil in each life.
My Oil, My Holy vibrant Spirit is available to overflowing for those who would willingly look with the eyes of my compassion and eyes of discernment. It will flow out and into the driest of people, working loose the cemented stones of the hardened heart. It will soothe and soften the scarred and scabbed marks of a hard life, and refresh.
It is a risky thing to go and search out those fallen by the roadside where there are so many other routes of safety to do good works. But remember, I was the One who poured out the wine, my life’s blood, so that you might live and be cleansed.
I was a man, despised and rejected, yet I obeyed and took the road, the path, which was set in front of me. And I found you, broken and bruised, lost and confused, looking for help when others abused, robbed and broke your heart and mind.
Take my oil, take the power of the wine, and use it in this hour. Anoint and bind up the wounds of the brokenhearted, teaching those captive how to be free. From your well of compassion I will pour out upon the darkness of mankind.
It’s time, to pour out My Oil and My wine and to create places of rest in worship and peace for those who need a resting place and haven from the battered and violent landscape of the world and it’s dangerous paths that lead to harm.
Pour! Pour! Pour!
I will do exploits as you physically and spiritually pour out the oil and the wine among my people and into the lives of those whom I will send you to.
You have been filled up with the Oil of The Holy Spirit to BURN brightly and to spill over into your generation!
Declare it to the world! Speak it to the darkness-you have been filled and you are continuously infused with a perpetual well of power, a prophetic declaration is on your lips as the oil runs through you and you have the eyes of Christ, who has baptized you with this oil of power and anointing-to see with His discernment!
GO in power; make your proclamation and feed that vision Sons and Daughters, who pour out the Fresh Oil and Fresh wine in My name! PROCLAIM THE WORD OF LIFE!
It’s not by ability, nor by power but BY MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD!
And You Shall Be My Witnesses along all of the pathways that you travel! You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." - Acts 1:8
Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed as long as the complete message, podcast location and website information for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank You! Copyright © 2020
" THE MESSENGER " - Mary Lindow
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