Mary Lindow ~ The Messenger Podcast

Truth? What Is Truth?


Saturday Feb 27, 2021

By Mary Lindow through the Holy Spirit
Truth is slippery.
A lot more slippery than any of us want to admit.
And we do have to, in a sense, choose what to believe.
Pontius Pilate seemed quite comfortable with that. Jesus was "talking truth" and Pilate lived in a place of work where “truth” was meaningless. All that his employer cared about was results!
The world’s vision of truth is attractive.
It allowed Pilate go back to his home at the end of the day…it allowed the Priests to deal with that "problematic man Jesus" while still being able to eat the Passover. 
It sends the crowds home from the protest hoping that the rebellion will start soon and be successful. (That sure sounds familiar doesn’t it!) 
Pilate was dealing with those "pesky" Hebrews.
The poor guy is the governor and he can’t even get the latest group of complainers to come into his house because it’s Passover, that would make them “unclean,” and they wouldn’t be able to eat the sacred meal.
Now Imagine that!! 
Being the governor, and having to go outside to hear the complaints of your subjects? Your subjects whose "truth" meant that your palace was unclean? You can understand why the guy got maybe a bit sour.
His employer just wanted the people under Pilate to behave!
That was a pretty tall order among a people as fiercely independent as the Israelites. The Romans didn’t care all that much how order was maintained; they just wanted Pilate to "make it happen"! 
Israel after all, was a center of commerce, and disturbances, and rioting there were inconvenient and they were expensive.
All of this left very little time for Pilate to talk philosophy with this troublesome Jesus fellow. He needed results! 
"Truth" for Pilate meant keeping order, keeping peace, keeping his job. That’s what he chooses to believe in. Even so…he tried to give Jesus a fighting chance.
But the crowds? 
Well, they don’t cry out, "What is truth?"
But, they did CHOOSE what to believe.
Jesus has proclaimed a kingdom of truth.
THE truth that God’s will is realized
when we live lives of compassion and healing. 
A truth that we are all loved by God and called to live this love out for one another. It’s a truth that has stood the world on end…
...But the crowd decides instead to believe in the old standby.
The sword.
Barabbas the thief, who was a violent man, the kind of guy who is useful to a revolution, is the one they cry out for.
They want what they want…
..and so, aren’t really all that different from Rome or Pilate in their way of dealing.
They’ll trade truth for the hope of what they’ll see in terms of "results." 
And, we all too often...
…We choose on our own, what to believe as well. 
Repentance means "to turn" in the scriptures, to "turn away from.
But it’s not easy! 
And it doesn’t help that the words of our Master—(who stands in passive protest against the established powers of the world as he answers Pilate), has had his words mangled and misinterpreted over and over again by those who frankly, wanted Jesus to sound a little more like "them."
The world teaches us its version of truth.
The world teaches us to think: "It’s mine, I earned it."
Jesus says, "It’s a gift, share."
We learn to think, 
“They need to follow my rules." 
Jesus says, "The greatest rule is love."
We learn to think, "I’ll give when my needs are met." 
Jesus says, “Think that way and you’ll always need more.”
We learn to think, "me first."
Jesus says, "be last."
The world’s truth keeps you from ending up like Jesus. 
It gets you to resist taking a cross for what IS truth.
Believing in something means acting and sacrificing for something, and what Jesus wants from us is not our dying, but rather that we live a life dying to our own selfish ambition which most are VERY proud of. (They will tell you exactly how proud they are of their achievements and skills often, or, live secret lives of self gratification because THEY deserve the rewards!) 
The cry of God’s heart is that we would understand that,
the “way of God” is way beyond "our way". 
The way of God IS our call,
and that the way of God is the path to freedom.
In the end, we have to choose what to believe in. 
Fortunately for us, faith is also a gift, a gift God gives us.
But that doesn’t mean living it doesn’t take some effort. 
We are called to be light to this world.
We are called to care.
We are called to make the effort! 
Let's walk with our Master. 
Let's take the path of sacrifice, and let our lives reveal and radiate the joy of "living out God’s love" for others.
Perhaps then, the world will see that "what is truth"...
...Is truth.
Duplication and sharing of this message is welcomed as long as the complete message, podcast and website information for Mary Lindow is included.
 Thank You! Copyright © 2021
"THE MESSENGER" ~ Mary Lindow

Saturday Dec 21, 2019

By Mary Lindow
Greetings Brothers and Sisters!
 I’m sure that you’ll remember the story that on Christmas Eve, Ebenezer Scrooge is locked up in the darkness of his dim house. Dickens tells us, “Darkness is cheap, and Scrooge liked it.”
Today, we still know that darkness is cheap, easy to find, and its raw materials of despair and denial are in abundant supply.
Scrooge liked darkness, as we often do, because it hides what we fear, keeps us from facing what is true, and allows us to be blind to truth. But like so many things that come cheaply, our overindulgence in them comes at great cost.
Out of Scrooge’s darkness appears the ghost of Jacob Marley, Scrooge’s former business partner. Marley comes not to haunt Scrooge, but to free him. Scrooge sees that Marley is bound in chains. 
“Why are you fettered?” Scrooge asks.
“I wear the chain I forged in life,” Marley says. “I made it link by link, and yard by yard,” and he tells Scrooge that the chain that will fetter him in the darkness is even longer, heavier and harder still, if he does not leave the darkness.
WOW! There is a lot of wisdom here!
Though chains placed by others might fetter us, most of our chains are forged by the part of our spiritual self that likes the darkness and shuns the light. Marley was fettered to cashboxes, deeds and ledgers, as was Scrooge. 
What would fetter or chain you?
Brothers and Sisters, the life of any leader or person in some form of care, supervision or one with employees or volunteer workers, a person with a bit of over-site over others, needs to be bravely examined, fully exposed to the pure and strong light of God’s eyes and checked often for hardness of heart, the love of acumen, pride in achievements and the over lording of others.
Jesus coming into the world—God in human skin—announced what had been hoped forever, that the captive person would be released from the darkest prisons—physical and spiritual. To our inner spiritual soul, our chains and fetters will be crushed, if we are willing to leave the darkness. Like Scrooge, do we need to be “scared out”? Shaken from slumber?
Scrooge could not receive the simple gift of Christmas, so ghosts rather than grace were sent. But, the result is love.
We need the light of God’s love that by its very nature is a love that comes to give us and those we serve, value and worth, not a love that comes because we are already valuable and worthy.
The entire point of "A Christmas Carol" is that Scrooge is entirely unworthy of God’s mercy, because Scrooge has no mercy! But! Mercy and love come to Scrooge through the judgment of the ghosts, and this "transformation" makes the unworthy Scrooge, worthy again.
The light of God that comes as love, forgiveness and hope is a light that brings judgment. I know that most of us get uncomfortable when talking about God’s judgment, because we are so afraid that we are unworthy of God’s love.
But, look at Scrooge! Without God’s light, without the promise of God’s love, Scrooge is doomed!
It is love and judgment bringing him into the light. 
Can we now see that judgment by God as a form of God’s love? His way of exposing the darkness of our own souls? Romans 2:16 has proof of this probing of our secret lives!!
“And this is the message I proclaim--that the day is coming when God, through Christ Jesus, will judge everyone's secret life.”
Oh friends! Will we ever fully learn that God does not love us because we have value, but instead, HE loves us to give us worth? Life without the pure love of God coursing through our being is a vapor and miserable! 
Let's say to the Spirit of God with all of our hearts, the words Scrooge humbly uttered after he was confronted and faced his darkened heart.
"I will honor Christmas in my heart, 
and try to keep it all the year."
What is Christmas?
When Heaven kissed earth with the greatest act of sacrifice...
... Sending us a Redeemer. 
Who is Christ the Lord?
He IS THE Spirit, of CHRISTmas!
Let’s Humbly Pray this prayer together,
Father God, be gracious to me I pray, according to your loving- kindness. Father, my sins are heavy against me and my soul is troubled. For the many wrongs I have done against you and for the many evil thoughts and unholy attitudes I have allowed to influence my heart, and rule my life, for far to long.
I have sought to condone my wrongdoings, and ignore the voice of my conscience within. And I ask your forgiveness for my foolish pride, in ignoring the gentle promptings of Your Holy Spirit.
Forgive me I pray, and restore to me the joy of your salvation. For you have promised that all who truly confess their sins will be forgiven and returned back into a right relationship with you - and cleansed from all unrighteousness.
Lord the sacrifice of my heart is brokenness before You, My soul is truly contrite and my desire is to return into a right relationship with you. I know that the consequences of my wrong choices may remain with me for a long time – but I ask that in Your grace and mercy You would forgive my sins and cleanse my soul and restore me into a right relationship with Yourself – and my heart will rejoice in God my Savior, in Whose name I pray,
Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed provided that complete source, podcast and website information for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank You Copyright © 2019
 “THE MESSENGER "~Mary Lindow

Tuesday Jan 15, 2019

A Prophetic Insight From the Holy Spirit through Mary Lindow
But I do nothing without consulting the Father. I judge as I am told. 
And my judgment is absolutely just,
Because it is according to the will of God who sent me;
It is not merely My own.
~John 5:30 (NLT)
So! Do you now see how I your Savior receive My power, My Grace and heavenly insights? I do nothing...absolutely NOTHING without the input of My Father’s voice. He and I are one in thought, action and judgment.
I am challenging you and those who claim to walk in the supernatural privilege of hearing My voice, to consult Me on every level. I will only advise in accordance to My Father’s voice and will, in all of your affairs in life.
As you learn the joyful discipline of only heeding the voice of the Master Shepherd, you will find a pattern of absolute security surrounding you.
My ways and thoughts are so much higher than yours because they come from The Eternal Voice of love, created and sent down! My Father, your Father! The Mystery of the Godhead is not so difficult when you understand unity in thought, action, and purpose.
As a child of God who knows My voice and as one whom has known My Divine Presence, what else is there to do but to praise Me?
“Praise! It is the perfume of heaven!”
The living! The living! They praise You as I am doing today!
Isaiah 38:19a
Yes! Praise Me for as long as you live! You were created to praise Me in this life and in the life yet to come!
When the weariness of life and the dustiness of the road you travel on become too overwhelming, too taxing... Remember! You are living in a great time of harvest! Praise Me!
When the time comes for you to take your final breath, the days of your life which have all been numbered. Then, you will step into a new dimension of praising Me.
Bring with you the praise tokens of your life. The words you have spoken about Me have been recorded. Your praises have been written down in My book!
Trust. The issue that everyone on earth deals with day in and day out. Putting your trust in things that last for only a season or a few years can be very risky and very disappointing. I have told My people to trust in ME with ALL of their heart and I will make their paths straight. Yet- continually they put their trust in people, and idols made of gold (money) positions of power and in themselves!
Lasting blessings can only come from trusting in Me. The real issue is that you don’t really think that I will do what I say I will do! So... You take it into your own hands! When you finally lay down your need to control the universe and those all around you and trust in Me, then you will be blessed! Blessed with safety, peace of mind and above all blessed by My pleasure in your resting in My plan.
“O Lord of hosts,
How blessed is the man who trusts in You!” 
.... Let me see your face, let me hear your voice; 
For your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.” 
Song of Songs 2:14
This is the heart cry of those who know that nothing else in life can truly satisfy them. My voice, and the looking at My face causes a deep peace and rest to “nestle” into their souls.
It is like music to the ears when My voice is heard like a melody from heaven. Ever so true in pitch, and in message. My face is full of compassionate expression and tenderness! 
Look at Me!
Seek Me in prayer! 
Prayer is an intimate time of communication between you My bride, and I! As we “look intently” into spiritual dimensions together we will delight over the Father who proved His Divine love to us and through us!
All you need to do to see My face and to hear my voice is to ask Me to speak to you and to show Myself to you! Why are you so afraid? I am not a man who will lie or make false promises!
My beloved! Risk everything! 
Come closer to the flame of My Spiritual fervor!
Just ask!
Duplication and sharing of this message is welcomed provided that complete article, podcast link and website information for Mary Lindow is included. Thank You Copyright © 2019 " THE MESSENGER "
Your Gracious Support and Donations Are So Very Helpful And Assist Mary In Publishing Her Teaching Podcasts and Blog Materials.
Please go to PAYPAL to donate or support this blog: Donate to the tax deductible ministry name of:    (His Beloved Ministries Inc.) 
or You Can Mail a Check or Cashiers Check to: His Beloved Ministries INC PO Box 1253 Eastlake CO 80614 United States
~ Mary Lindow

Friday Dec 21, 2018

By Mary Lindow
Greetings Brothers and Sisters!
 I’m sure that you’ll remember the story that on Christmas Eve, Ebenezer Scrooge is locked up in the darkness of his dim house. Dickens tells us, “Darkness is cheap, and Scrooge liked it.”
Today, we still know that darkness is cheap, easy to find, and its raw materials of despair and denial are in abundant supply.
Scrooge liked darkness, as we often do, because it hides what we fear, keeps us from facing what is true, and allows us to be blind to truth. But like so many things that come cheaply, our overindulgence in them comes at great cost.
Out of Scrooge’s darkness appears the ghost of Jacob Marley, Scrooge’s former business partner. Marley comes not to haunt Scrooge, but to free him. Scrooge sees that Marley is bound in chains. “Why are you fettered?” Scrooge asks.
“I wear the chain I forged in life,” Marley says. “I made it link by link, and yard by yard,” and he tells Scrooge that the chain that will fetter him in the darkness is even longer, heavier and harder still, if he does not leave the darkness.
WOW! There is a lot of wisdom here!
Though chains placed by others might fetter us, most of our chains are forged by the part of our spiritual self that likes the darkness and shuns the light. Marley was fettered to cashboxes, deeds and ledgers, as was Scrooge.
What would fetter or chain you?
Brothers and Sisters, the life of any leader or person in some form of care, supervision or one with employees or volunteer workers, a person with a bit of over-site over others, needs to be bravely examined, fully exposed to the pure and strong light of God’s eyes and checked often for hardness of heart, the love of acumen, pride in achievements and the over lording of others.
Jesus coming into the world—God in human skin—announced what had been hoped forever, that the captive person would be released from the darkest prisons—physical and spiritual. To our inner spiritual soul, our chains and fetters will be crushed, if we are willing to leave the darkness. Like Scrooge, do we need to be “scared out”? Shaken from slumber?
Scrooge could not receive the simple gift of Christmas, so ghosts rather than grace were sent. But, the result is love.
We need the light of God’s love that by its very nature is a love that comes to give us and those we serve, value and worth, not a love that comes because we are already valuable and worthy.
The entire point of "A Christmas Carol" is that Scrooge is entirely unworthy of God’s mercy, because Scrooge has no mercy! But! Mercy and love come to Scrooge through the judgment of the ghosts, and this "transformation" makes the unworthy Scrooge, worthy again.
The light of God that comes as love, forgiveness and hope is a light that brings judgment. I know that most of us get uncomfortable when talking about God’s judgment, because we are so afraid that we are unworthy of God’s love.
But, look at Scrooge! Without God’s light, without the promise of God’s love, Scrooge is doomed!
It is love and judgment bringing him into the light. Can we now see that judgment by God as a form of God’s love? His way of exposing the darkness of our own souls? Romans 2:16 has proof of this probing of our secret lives!!
“And this is the message I proclaim--that the day is coming when God, through Christ Jesus, will judge everyone's secret life.”
Oh friends! Will we ever fully learn that God does not love us because we have value, but instead, HE loves us to give us worth? Life without the pure love of God coursing through our being is a vapor and miserable! 
Let's say to the Spirit of God with all of our hearts, the words Scrooge humbly uttered after he was confronted and faced his darkened heart.
"I will honor Christmas in my heart,
and try to keep it all the year."
What is Christmas?
When Heaven kissed earth with the greatest act of sacrifice...
... Sending us a Redeemer.
Who is Christ the Lord?
He IS THE Spirit, of CHRISTmas!
Let’s Humbly Pray this prayer together,
Father God, be gracious to me I pray, according to your loving- kindness. Father, my sins are heavy against me and my soul is troubled. For the many wrongs I have done against you and for the many evil thoughts and unholy attitudes I have allowed to influence my heart, and rule my life, for far to long.
I have sought to condone my wrongdoings, and ignore the voice of my conscience within. And I ask your forgiveness for my foolish pride, in ignoring the gentle promptings of Your Holy Spirit.
Forgive me I pray, and restore to me the joy of your salvation. For you have promised that all who truly confess their sins will be forgiven and returned back into a right relationship with you - and cleansed from all unrighteousness.
Lord the sacrifice of my heart is brokenness before You, My soul is truly contrite and my desire is to return into a right relationship with you. I know that the consequences of my wrong choices may remain with me for a long time – but I ask that in Your grace and mercy You would forgive my sins and cleanse my soul and restore me into a right relationship with Yourself – and my heart will rejoice in God my Savior, in Whose name I pray,
Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed provided that complete source, podcast and website information                for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank You Copyright © 2018
 “THE MESSENGER "~Mary Lindow
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