Mary Lindow ~ The Messenger Podcast

Right and Wrong


Wednesday Jul 17, 2024

By Mary Lindow
Hello Brothers and Sisters!
Today’s podcast is specifically focused on a word from the Lord that I have had stirring in my spirit and with current events and all of the tragedies taking place around us, many people are either paralyzed, angry, or are extremely, extremely in despair.
Many are being driven into a deeper place of prayer and it is also bringing to light, the weaknesses that many of us as believers have!
So, this word is a word of encouragement and also a directive from the Holy Spirit and I believe that it is a strong word and has such powerful encouragement in it so I’m going to deliver it to you just as I have received it from the Lord. So let’s go!
"Be very careful whom you share your treasures with. How many pearls have you cast before piggish users in the past, only to have them ground to powder?
The servant Paul the apostle was more than a new herald in the order of the day. He stirred up old systems and disturbed demonic religious strongholds. You must be ready to "power up" for years of opposition and hoards of religious factions and fractures of truth!
The past years of agony have been hard soldierly-like boot camp. 
Elite forces training.
It will not go away. 
You must simply learn that it is My duty to do the fighting for you.
Just be certain that you are only speaking, ONLY SPEAKING, what I have told you to.  Speak Nothing more and Speak Nothing less."
If there is not the peace of the Holy Spirit resting on those whom you are involved with, don't move into anything until the peace comes.
Gatherings and movements can feel real exciting and purposeful, until conflict, control, and competition show up.
The apostolic and prophetic saints in Acts, fasted, ministered to the Lord, and then the Holy Spirit spoke. 
We have all learned many a painful lesson in the past from experiences of over planning, programming, and hurrying to help God out!
To everything there is a season, a time. 
Until you have a full green light, don't move. 
 It will keep you from having to backtrack and...
 …It trains you in humility.
Familiar Friends OR RELATIONSHIPS?
Ask yourself the following question. 
"Are you simply familiar with people or are you working in relationship with others and those whom you feel are to move into a more Kingdom minded level of Spiritual intimacy with?"
Spiritual intimacy can only be as deep as those who spend the time in spiritually intimate worship, waiting, and self-examining dialog with the Father, and in relating to others of a likeminded heart. 
This is not easy for busy, human life!
"If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves."
Philippians 2: 1-3
"Hear Me”, Cries the Spirit of Holy Grace and Mercy! 
I desire to move upon, in, and through each of you. 
Not one of you alone can endure the onslaughts of evil by standing aloof and silent.
Nor can the most vocal of gifts among you clearly communicate all that I long to express.
Until each one is willing to step into the Holy place of pure relationship with Me and with one another, waiting, crying out, Yes - even waiting until I come and refresh, then the generation waiting in the wings will not fully come forward.
Until it is branded into your spirits that this era in time is for the saving of the lost, the redeeming of the wasted, and the release of My power, of My glory, you will be so very, very frustrated by the heaviness that doggedly harasses your soul.
What I ordain, I cover. What I command, I give direction to. 
Be certain that you have heard what I am saying.
I am fully aware of the weariness and fatigue you have been experiencing.
Heavier than anything you can recall from the past.
"Do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you!"  -1 Peter 4:12
There are many, many others globally who are also still wrestling out of the cocoon in new birth and are suffering also. PRAY FOR THEM!
Hellish warfare will be a normal activity in the days ahead. 
Unless you harness the power of consistent prayer and train yourselves in regular gatherings of passion in prayer and worship together, you will shrink back into serious doubt, anxiety, bitterness and dread, when the trauma of warfare attacks!!
Awaken your mute tongue and give voice to My name, My power and My Kingdom Solutions! No weapon formed against you will ultimately prosper! 
My Spirit longs to declare wonders, to decree Justice, and to destroy darkness with your lips proclaiming from the spirit.
"So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."  - Isaiah 55:11
Speak out in truth and in praise and I will step into your midst with the peace you have been craving, and groping for. 
Quickly! Enter in before you reflect and exchange ideas. 
After I am given My rightful place of honor and adoration, then I will speak and give you clear vision and direction.”
"In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I will lay my requests before you, 
And wait in expectation."  -Psalm 5:3
My friends, this is a word from the Lord and I encourage you to heed the word of the lord and not immediately go to the assessing and the sanitization of what some would do with a prophetic word from the Lord. 
He’ll show you what parts aren’t accurate or what parts aren’t fitting for you right now.
THE GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THIS WORD IS THAT THE LORD IS CALLING US TO A PLACE OF BATTLE, A PLACE OF PRAYER, A PLACE OF GROWTH. A place of tenacity and letting go of bitterness where we feel unfairly treated, where we feel like life will never get better.
If you want to continue to say these things, then you stand in the way of him being the ONE who is the Redeemer of time.
We need to have a challenge to each believer in the Body of Christ, each of you who are servants of the Lord. Every one of you!
Every person listening has an assignment from the Father at this time to tell someone else about the Lord, to tell others who are feeling weak and discouraged, angry or bitter, that the need to be understanding that they are called to now grow up into the faith and to not just listen to what other people say, not be inundated with media and false narratives and lies about what Jesus says in His Word. 
It is time to stand in the place of trust and ask God to strengthen us in every way, yielding every ounce of our being into His care. 
I bless you today in the mightiest and most powerful and Supreme, dynamic name there is ever to be, and that is the name of Jesus Christ the Messiah. 
We know that God is Sovereign!
Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed, as long as the complete message, website, podcast link and information for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank You!  "2024"
"THE MESSENGER"  - Mary Lindow
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Monday May 06, 2024

By Mary Lindow 
WE LIVE IN A CORRUPT WORLD and therefore, have the “effects and affects” of that corruption ever influencing, ever tainting and ever wooing the flesh. 
Let’s look at the definition of a key word I am going to use in this crucial message. Plumbline: a tool that consists of a small, heavy object attached to a string or rope and that is used especially to see if something (such as a wall) is perfectly vertical or in alignment)  
A plumbline is a simple but accurate tool used for determining whether or not something is perfectly vertical or upright. The Lord also used, and uses, a "plumbline," His Word, to determine how upright His people truly are in His sight.
How upright they think they are, or how upright they proclaim themselves to be, means nothing to God.
 "Behold, I WILL set a plumbline in the midst of My people".  -Amos 7:7 
It will always, always, ALWAYS, direct us to the truth in a matter; even if it requires pain, loss, persecution and perhaps death in areas we feel we may well have rights to. 
It will also be a shield, a balm, a comfort and a teacher to those who will yield to the directive positioning of the Master. 
 “I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumbline.” 
-Isaiah 28:17 
I am by far not an expert on the subject of plumblines and righteousness, so take what I say in the light of one who at time gropes like a child in the dark, ever reaching for the hand of the ONE to lead me into a safe place filled with His Hope, His Mercy, His Light and Life.
I have found that in my life, distress and persecution do not feel like God’s care being poured out on me. My heart is not immediately drawn to thanksgiving and gratefulness for the faithfulness of God on display as I cling to the battered pieces that look like potential “rafts” of hope, only to find out that many of them have gaping holes or slow leaks in them. 
Rather, it feels like yet another hurt is being permanently woven into my tattered and war-torn soul. It seems as if another mound of questions are piling up and just waiting for an answer and a true solid REAL anchor of hope. 
Dr. Diane Langberg, a Courageous, brilliant, humble servant of God and Counselor has deeply impressed me and my approach to caring for and ministering to others. She spoke the following words boldly regarding pain, abuse, and the suffering of traumatic events.
Quoting Dr. Langberg,
"In the midst of the trauma and suffering I have also seen the work of the Redeemer. He fills his people with his life and in ordinary ways, little by little; they bring his hope and healing to a ruined world. Traumatized and caregiver alike are transformed. He works both ways as they bend together to bring his redemption to the ravages of evil. I know this to be true for he has done so in me.
I have learned many lessons over the years. I have listened to countless tragedies. Of one thing I am certain: unless we are gripped by the truths of the Cross of Christ in our own hearts and lives, the hope and power of the Cross will not pass from us to others. We cannot give what we do not have.  May love and obedience to the Son of Man so govern our personal lives that he can through us bring his life to this ruined planet." (End of quote)
He said “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me?” It’s at those very times that the words of the Savior are so important. When we are down and in turmoil. 
But, how do we connect the dots between what we know is true about God’s faithfulness and what our hearts feel? When flipped and flung around by the waves, weary from crying and when no answer seems at hand, what IS the answer? 
When my circumstances show many foes and tyrants rising up against me and my heart is prone to wander and fear, what hope is there of peace? 
When my feelings start controlling my thoughts, how can I rest in God’s promises? 
AT THIS POINT… I HEAR THE “GASPS”,  and perhaps shocked comments of a few who are amazed that someone who "appears" to walk so fervently and intimately with the Lord would have such difficulties! 
Well! Guess what?
I do struggle, I do hurt, and yes I do doubt when I have been side swiped or “rammed” by skilled cons and those who, although may have the appearance of godliness and offered friendship or fellowship, end up having private and evil agendas behind their well placed and planned schemes.
And boy oh boy! Those skilled players know the wicked art of wounding the heart and causing people to reel in pain! 
The main skill in the issue of dealing with life as a spiritual person, is to know how to handle yourself when things not only crush and grind your heart, but what to do with the anguish and toll of their aftermath. 
We have to get ourselves into a place where we hear clearly again. 
We need have to address ourselves, preach to ourselves, and ask questions about ourselves. 
We must say to our soul: "Why are you cast down –Why are you so anxious and lacking in peace?" 
We must urge ourselves, and say ‘Hope in God’ – instead of remaining in this paralyzed, aching state!” 
We must go on to remind ourselves just “Who" God is, and what God is, and what God has done, and what God has promised that he Himself said that He would do. 
Having done that we can stand up and sing out strongly, defying the torment of the soul, and resist other people’s wicked tongues and arrogance, and refuse to go along with the devil and the whole world, and say: ‘Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.” 
The hope and promise of the fairness of God’s justice when dealing with the hurtful things and presumptions of others gives me the confidence to know that God will never turn away from me in my need. No matter how they seem to prosper in the short term, wicked men and women will ultimately pay for their sins, in this life or the next. Jesus died to meet my greatest hardships and sorrows for me, and I need to preach this to myself every day.
His power is greater than my weariness and suffering. 
The comforting and instruction that comes from simply running to feed upon His word instead of the toxic poison of the replaying of trauma reminds me that what Jesus has done is strong enough for my soul to rejoice in and to be set into a place where it can rest and regroup, gaining a healthy perspective about what to give out to others and what is simply…
…. To be enjoyed by the Lord Himself. 
Human willpower alone will never be able to change this. 
We need God's help to truly change our hearts. 
REMEMBER. You cannot change the heart of anyone else either. 
If you try to, you will feel the bite of stinging venom or be laughed out of a room. Only the power of the conviction of the Holy Spirit can permeate and get around the jam-packed hardhearted egos of the self sufficient and bitter. 
Jeremiah 17:9 says that the human heart is deceitful in all things and is even beyond cure!
We must be cautious and wise in reproving and warning such types of people about their bad behaviors and wicked actions where there seems to be no appearance or hope of change and where there is danger of experiencing great and heart wrecking retaliation and slander. 
THESE TYPES TRAMPLE THE WARNINGS AND URGING FOR REPENTANCE  and humbling of the heart under their feet, and turn again and slash at you, despising the warnings that are “tearfully and fearfully” given, and often hurt the persons who give them, either by words or deeds. 
"Don't waste what is holy on people who are unholy. 
Don't throw your pearls to pigs! 
They will trample the pearls, 
then turn and attack you.” 
-Matthew 7:6 
I remember that phrase from a TV show called “Dragnet”. The detective would not allow the details of the case to be skewed by any assumptions or pontificating from those he interviewed. He stoically and firmly demanded only the facts. 
And so, here are the “facts” about the heart of a good man or woman.
1.) The good man or woman:
 Brings good things out of the good stored up in his/her heart.
And the facts about an evil man or woman. 
2.) The evil man/woman,
 Brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his/her heart.
For out of the overflow of his or her heart his or her mouth speaks.
-Luke 6:45 
The frailty, briefness, and insecurity of life should hold down the vanity and presumptuous confidence of all of our projects and boasting about future greatness and bragging rights! We are always to depend on the will and leading of God. 
OUR TIMES ARE NOT IN OUR OWN HANDS, BUT ARE INSTEAD IN THE TIMING OF GOD. Our heads may be filled with cares and plans for ourselves, or our families, or our friends; but Divine intervention often throws our plans into bewilderment. All we have in mind, and all we do, should be with a humble and deep dependence on God.
It is foolish, and it is hurtful, to boast of trendy “latest happening” things and prospective projects, and it will bring great disappointment and will prove destructive to relationships and meaningful help to others in the end. 
“For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. 
These are not from the Father, but are from this world.” 
-1 John 2:16
People don't need a lecture on the meaning of suffering or to have a barrage of scriptures “machine-gunned” at them as a reprimand for sharing their moment of grief or struggle! (Especially when their hearts are breaking, weary of the battle and if they are fatigued.)
Job could have done without some of the self-righteous answers that came from his “well-meaning” friends. All of the answers could have even been true, but Job didn't need to hear any of them. 
He needed their love, not their value judgments. 
In fact, it appears as if God judged THEM for trying to offer simple solutions to things that were beyond their comprehension. They had never walked in the loss he was in anguish over. 
How will we respond? We can feel sorry for ourselves (and understandably so, for a while), become bitter and cynical, get drawn into a war of words, or even become mixed up in a major conflict.
On the other hand, we can take our suffering to the cross and allow our pain to draw us into a deeper place of understanding of what Jesus went though in his sufferings.
This does not remove the pain, but does help us to know what to do with our hurt. 
THIS IS THE 'FELLOWSHIP OF HIS SUFFERINGS (Philippians 3:10), one of the gateways to closeness with God and the release of his power in our lives. The weight of heartbreak shared with a loving friend cuts it in half. When the burden is shared with many friends, we can cope with almost anything.
We never feel more revitalized than when a friend loves us enough to walk with us in our pain. Not lecture us. 
The apostle Paul wrote these words to the church in Corinth: 
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God". -1 Corinthians 1.3-4 
Giving supernatural strength to those in need. But for the most part, he depends on us, his people, to do his work in the world. We love each other, work for healing, and suffer with those who suffer. 
The next time you see a friend who is suffering, Jesus may just invite you to be the warm embrace! We comfort each other with the comfort we have received in Christ. And when we do, we become the Body of Christ and he receives the glory! 
We are to bear one another's burdens. 
We are to comfort others as Christ has given comfort to us. 
Your hard time becomes my hard time. 
We join hands in the journey. 
When you succeed, I succeed. 
When you suffer, I suffer. But we do it together. We share it together. 
And we do it, not so much in our wisdom or our words, but in our availability, our understanding, and through our presence. 
But not “bland” fellowship.
It is CHRISTIAN fellowship. It is the business of burden bearing.
Authentic CHRISTIAN fellowship says that when you need me . . . I'll be there.
Support in suffering is at the core of what it means to share life together in Christ. The word for "comfort” is the same root word as the name Jesus used to describe one of the functions of the Holy Spirit in our lives (Paraclete). “I will be a comforter, one who comes alongside to give help.” And so as God comes alongside you, now you are able to come alongside another. As the Comforter is at work within you, so you also can be of comfort to those around you. 
To mourn with those who mourn.
To be a follower of Jesus means to come alongside people who are hurting and find ways to help them walk even through the valley of the shadow of death. We are called to do this, as the word of God and care of God is shared with the intention of stirring, plowing up hardened hearts, creating a place for repentance and challenging saints to hope again.  I know and believe that as we learn again as believers, to care, to truly listen and to hope fully again, that the sweet and heavy weight of HIS Glory will be made known and will manifest in unfettered and uncontrolled waves of worship and spontaneous adoration of the King of Heaven. 
Toleration of sin, pretense, and crookedness do not reveal the character of God, even if they bear his name.
Arrogance is never godly.
Covering up sin is never godly.
Abuse of power is never godly.
Shepherds who feed on sheep are abusive.
Leadership that preserves and protects the system, rather than the people, turns the house of God into a safe place for predators.
Exposure brings hope, because it brings the cancer to the light.
To hide sin by cover-up or silent complicity is spiritual abuse.
Let's focus on bowing low and seeking His heart and plans in what matters to Him.
Indeed, HE is the Plumbline.
Jesus demonstrated in the flesh what a human being is to be like who bears God's image. He pursued the vulnerable, protected the little ones, and poured out compassion on the least of these.
Any dismissal of abuse, any baptizing of evil, any cover-up or denial is nothing like Him.
Any discarding of the least of these or trampling of the vulnerable is an assault on God Himself—no matter the spiritual words used as an excuse.
AGAIN, I will share another phenomenal insight from Dr. DIANE LANGBERG regarding this matter.
She said these words in an article;
“You see, this Jesus had a passion for redeeming.
For those who have been abused, and are suffering from its debilitating aftereffects, listen hard.
There is hope for you-hope for healing and transformation. I know;
I come to you from the frontlines and have seen it happen countless times.
It takes courage, hard work, and there is no quick fix.
Such redemption was Jesus' master passion.
This God came to seek and redeem what has been lost. We must acknowledge and tell the truth about these things.
Great damage is being done to God’s sheep, in his name.
He weeps over such leaders and the sheep they harm.
Be watchful.
Recognize coercive and manipulative behavior.
Be discerning about those who hold power—including yourself.
Do not be deceived. 
May we, with Daniel, call out to God:
“O Lord, hear! O Lord forgive. O Lord listen and act.
For your own sake do not delay, because your church and your people are called by your name” (Dan. 9:19).
Your voice?
The truth, drowned out by lies?
Your life and its vibrancy, its strength, its giftedness?
Your hope?
God has said He is making all things new... and that includes you.
Devastation is, bit by bit, redeem-able. I know. I have had a front-row seat to God's redemptive power in my life, and for the record, one of the people He has done redemptive work in, is me.
My work with victims in ministry as well as teaching in schools has revealed to me who God is. Evil can be transformed in the life in which it occurred. That work is also redemptive in the one who walks alongside the broken vessel. Evil is then twice crushed.
May the Church of Jesus Christ repent of her pursuit of human externals and bend down, listen, and walk alongside trauma, abuse, racism, hatred, and a blind eye as did her Lord.  In doing so, we will bring joy to the heart of the Father.
I am sure that this touched several hearts, and maybe even made some fear come into some of you who are hiding things or who have abused others, and it’s time to come clean.
It’s time to get the help that you need.
So, I’d like to pray with all of you listening today.  I ask you to stop and be still.
Position your heart before the Lord as we bring this to him.
God, I ask in Jesus' name, that you comfort, strengthen and encourage all who are hurting deeply right now and are going through so much pain and heartache. 
Don't allow them to give up in the heat of the battle. 
Let them feel your arms wrapping around them and your love overflowing and filling them up. Lord, I will pray often and I know that you will hear my voice, even when I speak to You in my silent thoughts. 
To You, I am crying out and my prayers are now before You. 
Father, I give to You my problems, I do not want them. 
Father, please restore them to You. I know that you have compassion for your children. Father, show them your ways and teach them your paths. Lead them in your truth and teach them you are the God of our salvation and on you we will wait. 
Protect them from the evils of this life and guide them through all of their days. Father, thank You for hearing my prayer Father and for considering and for having compassion on all who hear and read these words, and all who hurt, in this troubled world we live in. 
Keep them in the center of Your love. 
In Jesus’ Name~ Amen 
It brings out into the light the reality that we need to speak up when we see harm being done and we need to get help when we have been harmed so that the stopping of the sorrow when the grief in the trauma can begin and a new pathway can be created in our lives. I
I look forward to sharing my next podcast with you! I do want to thank those you are so kind and so gracious.
I have a few very faithful individuals who do support and partner with me to produce these podcasts and I want to let you know I’m always amazed at how many places these go to, because I don’t really do a lot of promoting!
They just get picked up by other podcast groups and it goes out all across the world, so somewhere in this, the Holy Spirit is using it to glorify the name of Jesus, and for that I am so grateful that he would find something in me that is worthy of sharing.
So, thank you again to those of you who help me.
I look forward to being with all of you again and in the meantime, stand firm, call upon the name of the Lord, and tell the truth, in Jesus name.
Goodbye for now!
Duplication and sharing of this message is welcomed provided that complete article, podcast link and website information for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank You Copyright © 2024 " THE MESSENGER "
~ Mary Lindow
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Sunday Oct 29, 2023

It’s not just “my opinion” that playing close to the edge of occult involvement is a trap and a lure.
It’s my very deep conviction after having a full on and horrifying experience when we were young and first married.
Steve and I had watched a James Bond 007 show earlier that evening called "Live and Let Die", with a lot of “harmless” voodoo, (incantations and curses being put on people) and "fun" spies disturbing graves, and dark evil spirits attacking them.
While we were watching, I had a very quiet but persistent warning inside my heart to “stop watching the show”.
I blew it off saying to myself that, “I could handle it…
 It was just a show… harmless entertainment.”
After we had gone to bed and had fallen asleep, I was awakened by a loud crashing sound outside of our bedroom door, which was our living room. I turned my head to look in that direction and standing in the door frame was a hunched over, very tall, long haired, naked from waist up, long armed, pig snouted with a brass ring pierced through it, hairy being.
I thought I was maybe dreaming so I shook my head and rubbed my eyes to see if I was just coming out of a bad dream. Nope.
The dark being was still there.
My body was paralyzed in fear and I could not move to wake Steve.
I spoke to the hideous creature and told it to leave in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ.
It just laughed at me and began to move into the room and alongside the bed, heading towards me. I said the same words again and it laughed, saying, "YOU invited me into your home tonight! I have every right to be here!"
I immediately knew that I had rejected the warning of The Holy Spirit to not watch the show. I was crying in terror and said, “Jesus… Please forgive me for ignoring your warning! I repent and apologize for blowing you off!”
At that point, the demonic thing stopped at the foot of the bed and was very agitated. I was no longer paralyzed with fear and then spoke to it again, telling it that I was forgiven by Jesus and that in HIS NAME, the evil being had to leave our home.
It still stood there frustrated and I told it again that the power of Christ and His poured out blood on the cross for my sins cried out against this attack and that it must leave. It started to whimper and walked towards the wall and then, walked right through it, and left.
Immediately, Steve woke up and asked what was the crashing sound! I told him everything that happened. He got up and went out to the living room. On the floor was a weather station type of decoration that we had firmly screwed into our wall. It had “somehow” ripped itself off the wall, jumped 8 inches and onto our record player, (yes…. we had vinyls!) sending the needle across the worship record we played often every day.
Both Steve And I Knew At That Point
That We Could Never Again Justify Or Blow Off
The Warning From The Father About
Our Entertainment Choices.
We were called to be worshippers and to not ever allow a strongman from hell into our home.
Here Are Some Reasons The Scriptures Warn Against
Engaging In Any Form Of The Occult:
➡ We are opening ourselves up to spirits other than God’s.
➡ We are not looking to God for guidance, but to the occult.
➡ We are turning away from true faith in Jesus.
➡ We are disobeying God’s word, the Bible.
The Israelites often made the same mistake and turned from God, although God clearly warned them about this.
“When you enter the land The LORD your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or who consults the dead. 

Anyone who does these things is detestable to The LORD, and because of these detestable practices The LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before The LORD your God. 

The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, The LORD your God has not permitted you to do so,” Deuteronomy 18:9-14.
Saul, Israel’s first king, started out well. He expelled mediums and spiritualists from the land, then violated God’s word and his own conscience by consulting a medium (1 Samuel 28:3-25). His end was tragic (1 Samuel 31:1-6).
New Testament Christians turned from sorcery. We really need to let their example serve as an inspiration and a warning.
“Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed their evil deeds. A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas. In this way the word of The LORD spread widely and grew in power.” Acts 19:18-20.
These verses are given to us as warnings.
God wants us to learn from the examples he gives in the Bible, and to avoid making the same mistakes. He loves us and wants us to turn from anything that will get between us and the safe spiritual life that he offers.
Bible verses warning about mediums and spiritualists:
“Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritualists, for you will be defiled by them. I AM The LORD your God,” Leviticus 19:31.
“I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spiritualists to prostitute himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people,” Leviticus 20:6.
“When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritualists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?” Isaiah 8:19.
So these are the things, these are the scriptures that the Lord has given us, the warnings are there, and also the consequences! I can tell you that ever since then, I have been fully aware of when there’s something on television or when people want to watch a movie or, there’s people beginning to talk on a New Age level of intellectualism. Or, they talk about some of the things they’re partaking in for “medical practices”, or, different kinds of exercise programs, my first thought is, “If it has to have something to do with the occult or if it has to have something to do with “freeing your mind” so that you can relax and so your body is at peace”.
These are the lures that the enemy uses to draw us into other gods, and some Christian individuals actually say, “Oh, we’re not worshiping the god, we’re just doing things with the name of the Lord on it.”
The Lord doesn’t put his name on anything occult, and he never will, because he is The Sovereign, Ultimate Strength, THE  Sovereign Ultimate King, and he is The Voice that speaks to his people.
The word talks about those that know the voice of the Lord, the sheep, they know his voice, but the voice of strangers they will not follow, SO, I encourage you that during this time in the Earth, when the occult practices are literally overwhelming schools, college campuses, exercise regimes, television, movies, videos, (the Super Bowl was packed with these for years) to not engage!
Many of the performing artists that are considered “popular musicians” have sold their souls to demonic activity in order to become wealthy. This is how it works many times, you make a pact with the devil for fame fortune and greatness, but there’s always a price to pay and that is that you are captive, held captive, and many times these people can’t get out without a tremendous amount of threat against them.
I’m Now Going To Lead You In A Prayer.
I feel in my spirit that the reason I was to put this on this podcast is that there are some of you who have been saying, “I need to know if this is really bad for me or if I’m being ridiculous, and being too stringent or too rigid”.
Let me tell you something. You can never be too rigid against Satanic involvement in your life and you can never be too stringent against saying, “is there anything that I am opening the door to in my home that can affect my children’s sleep, affect my health, affect the safety of our home,” because our homes are to be a place of peace for the presence of God, a sanctuary for God to reside on a more personal level.
The word says, “don’t you know you’re a temple of the Holy Spirit?”  When Jesus comes into our spirit, when the spirit of God comes to dwell inside of us after we surrender and we say, “Take that part of my life and use it”, that part dictates from the inside out. But, if we let our mind get in there and say, “I can handle it! I can handle it! It’s not that big of a deal! I feel so good! It’s good entertainment.  My body feels great when I engage in meditation!” (What kind of meditation?) 
Why do you need to meditate on something that is not bringing the presence of God closer to you, and you, closer to the presence of God? 
Because our flesh doesn’t want to be convicted.
Our flesh does not like the discipline of getting still, or studying the word of God, or resting in his presence, and worshiping him. Not unless we discipline it and train it, and grow in his word so we see the gratitude of how, IT is, the voice that controls and speaks to our spirit, causing us to be at peace and to war against the things of darkness.
We live in high-pressure times, and the warfare, (yes, it is warfare), it is demonic war against God‘s people, and, the number one thing is fear, anxiety, stress, worry, and then, just go ahead and escape for a little while.  Watch something on TV. The Flesh says, “Go ahead! Watch some of those movies on Netflix that have some horror scenes or a lot of heavy sex. You can handle it!
The "F word" is being used a lot, and now many other words have become commonplace. But you see the thing is, WE CAN’T, handle it! Because it gets into our brains, it gets into our minds. It gets into our way of thinking, and it dulls our ability to hear the clear and clean pure words of the Lord.
If you don’t want to walk with Jesus, 100% and you want a lukewarm walk, then you’re going to be susceptible to demonic activity in your life, and unfortunately if you have children, you’re opening the door to them, and the Lord talks in that one scripture about not letting children pass through the fire.
We Are Not To Offer Our Children Up In Sacrifice
To Demonic Activity, And Yet A Lot Of Parents
Go Ahead And Sacrifice Their Kids To A Lot Of
Occult Practices Because “It’s Hard To Be Different”.
You don’t have to have to be locking the doors, and turning the light bulbs out all the time for fear that the devil is coming to get you! But! I can tell you this! You do want to shut your door to occult practices and the doors that come through your iPads, your computers, and your television screens.
These are the places; these are the entry points that the enemy uses. Those out there preparing programming, the majority of them in the world are all geared towards doing satanic and fearful programming and if anything, they like to do “shock value” enticing types of programs to bring stimuli and fear! That’s how they get better listeners or viewers or people chatting and talking! But their goal is not to bring goodness or peace or safety. Their goal is to get you to come back and be addicted to more or “fascinated”.
This is where that word “fascination” and “magical” comes in.  We just feel like we’re mesmerized and drawn in, and we kind of want to know how it works. We want to know how it ends! And then before you know it, your mind has been seared, your conscience has been compromised. Then enters the guilt and then the shame, and then the hiding, and guess who did that?
When Adam and Eve engaged with the snake in the garden, he trapped them and lured them, and said, “It’s not that big of a deal! You can handle it! Did God really say that to you?”But once they tasted of evil, they were forever changed. They were forever changed and lost their innocence, and forever change mankind.
Imagine how much that sin nature is affecting us!
Thank goodness that Jesus came to wash us clean and poured out his life, and endured a horrible sacrifice for us, so that we would have a chance to have our minds cleaned. If we are introducing our children to it, imagine the torment, and the things passing down to them.
 I encourage you now to pray with me, and if it’s not for you, If you don’t have this problem, but you’re saying, “I agree I’ve had experiences like this or I know what you’re talking about!”
If you have family members maybe you have children, if you have a spouse, if you have grandchildren that are engaging in specific kinds of occultic things, (and friends you know with a lot of the PlayStation games and different kinds of Xbox games), there’s a tremendous amount of demonic looking creatures and a lot of darkness in those games and yeah, I guess, “you can handle it”, but if you’re murdering and killing and having guns shooting and bloodlust all the time, eventually, is it a just a game? Has it become a conquering or have you become desensitized?
Do you want to hear the voice of the Lord?
Do you want to hear the Lord speaking clearly about the times about the days?
Do you want to hear him protecting you, telling you to get in the car and leave now, or “don’t go to the grocery store” or “don’t go down “that” street”? 
He WILL lead you like that and protect you!
Do you want the Lord to tell you his secrets?
Did you know that he tells them to his servants? But! He tells them to those that will spend time in his presence, seeking his voice, seeking to know him more. 
I encourage you to consider, "which tastes better".
The presence of God, and hearing his voice, or a temporary high and excitement, or the thrill that wears off, and then you’re buried in guilt, or harassed by something dark?
I’m just going to pray now. I’m going to ask you just to pray with me or agree with me in prayer for those that you know need to be free.
Heavenly Father, we come to you and Father you say that you roam the Earth to and fro, with your eyes you are looking all over the Earth, searching for those who will serve you, searching for those who will obey you.  Lord you know all things, you see all things, and you hear all things.
You are aware of the assignments of darkness against our families, against our children, against our grandchildren, against our spouses, against our brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles.
Father, we stand before you now individually and ask you for a clean heart. We ask you to wipe the slate clean of anything that we may have engaged in.
First of all we say we’ve sinned against you because it’s the truth.  If we’ve done these things we have done them against you. We have put our eyes upon idols or things at the world calls, current and exciting and we think that we’re just fitting in, as a part of it or maybe it seems like it’s not harmless. It looks like everybody else is doing fine.
Lord, l you know the condition of each man’s heart, and Lord you know those that are using this as a lure, so Father, we stand before you, and we ask that you would create in us a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within us. Don’t cast us away from your presence!
Lord, we don’t want your Holy Spirit taken from us, because we choose to listen to other evil spirits are divining spirits!
Now Lord, we say to you, we ask if there’s anything in our lives, anything in the lives of our families that they are engaging in or things that we have become accustomed to, that you would show us clearly and concisely, vividly, the things that we have put our hand to that are not from you.
Lord, we repent, we apologize. We are ashamed that we would allow even the whisper of a demonic subtlety to enter into our home.
We want to be the stewards, good stewards of what you’ve given us in children, in our spouses and our grandchildren. So we ask that you would put a barrier between us and the darkness, that conviction would rise up again, that we would heed your voice, and not the voice of a stranger!
Lord your word says whether we turn to the left or turn to the right, there you are right behind as a voice saying, “This is the way, walk in it”.
Lord, forgive us for thinking that we don’t want to be different or strange in this world, that we don’t want to be ridiculed. Father we are a peculiar people as you said, you made us and fashioned us to stand out in the dark world, and when we gave our lives to you, we committed that you would be Lord, Savior, King, Ruler, Master over our lives, and we apologize to you for ever touching anything that gave others mastery over us.
Now Father, we just come before you, and ask you to wash us clean. Wash our children, wash our grandchildren clean, wash our families clean.
Lord, we apologize and ask that now you would make the rudder of our ship turn back out to the direction where we seek you, and seek you alone. That the entertainment choices that we make in the future will be with wisdom and if there’s something on television that is dark or dirty, or evil or suggestive, we turn it off, we don’t just mute it. We turn it off. We will not let our eyes even watch, nor let our ears hear. 
Father. We thank you that you will speak loudly, “Don’t do that! Stop now!”  Just like you did to me. Father, we ask that you would speak loud and clear, because sometimes we’re dull of hearing.
Lord we submit to you, we glorify your name. We thank you, that you deliver us completely and you set us free when we’re captive to dark things.
We call upon the name of Jesus Christ who is God, who is the Son of God, the Sovereign king, and we thank you that the Holy Spirit is there to convict us of our sins. We thank you Triune being Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for the privilege of being called children of God.
Lord, teach us to act like children of God, in our every day lives, in Jesus most holy and powerful name against darkness.
Mary Lindow © 2023  - “THE MESSENGER”
Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed 
provided that complete message, website information and podcast link for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank You! 

Copyright 2023 - "THE MESSENGER "
~ Mary Lindow  -
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Thursday Apr 27, 2023

The World Is Whirling In Many Storms Right Now!
It’s Crazy Out There, And Dark!
And yet, we all have those things that we are personally raging war against as well.
Maybe You’re In A Storm Right Now.
Maybe it’s a storm named divorce.
Maybe it’s a storm called money, or loss of a career.
Maybe it’s friendship. Maybe loneliness.
Maybe grief or addictions. Kids, in-laws, friends.
Maybe it’s a storm called cancer.
Sometimes We Wonder Where Is God In The Midst Of Our Struggles.
Why is God allowing this to happen? We usually don’t understand, (even if we’re the culprit, it still doesn’t seem fair or right.) Yet God is there. His name “Immanuel” means, God WITH us.
In Matthew: 1:23 it says,
“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call His name Immanuel” (which means, God with us.”
That’s our theme.
It’s really believing and trusting that God is with us.
With that in mind, I want to look at a passage from Acts 27.
As Paul Was Being Transported To Rome,
The Focus Was On A Storm On The Ship Paul Was On.
There was this massive storm at sea. The storm went on and on and on.
The crew was so terrified that they threw cargo overboard, believing they were about to die.
In Acts 27:20, Luke tells us;
“When neither sun nor stars appeared for many days,
and no small tempest lay on us,
all hope of our being saved was at last abandoned.”
When We Read, No Small Tempest Lay On Us;
Luke Is Telling Us This Was A Massive, Raging Storm!
It wasn’t just a rainstorm, the wind was blowing, the skies were dark day and night; they couldn’t even see the sky.
The storm was raging, and I wonder how many of us would use that phrase for what we’ve been going through?
The storm - won’t - stop.
Do you see the end of that verse?
It said, “All hope of being saved was abandoned”.
They gave up all hope of being saved! That’s terrible!
Have You Been There? Have You Given Up All Hope?
It’s the finances that are killing you and you see no hope.
Maybe there’s a wedge between you and your spouse and you can’t see any hope.
Maybe it was the diagnosis.
Maybe you can’t see yourself with a mate.
Maybe it’s a job, it’s the kids, it’s getting older and more dependent.
Whatever it is . . . and just like those sailors, you’ve given up all hope!
The storm continues to rage and in verse 21 we read,
“Since they had been without food for a long time,
Paul stood up among them and said,
“Men, you should have listened to me and not have set sail from Crete
and incurred this injury and loss.”
I love Paul!
But right here, I don’t think I would want to hear what he said!
Kind of an “I told you so!”
“You should have taken my advice. You wouldn’t have lost all of this property.
If you had just listened to my advice, you wouldn't be in the middle of this storm.
Why Were They In The Storm?
They were in the storm because it was their fault.
They made a decision to go out when it’s not the best time to sail.
It was risky from the start.
Spiritual warfare is real and sometimes, yes, it is Satan.
But this situation was on them; they couldn’t blame Satan as much as they may have wanted to.
We Don’t Like To Admit It, But Sometimes It's Our Own Fault.
Sometimes you over-indulged and you spent too much money, or you said something you shouldn’t have said and now you’re in the middle of the storm.
You procrastinated and now you’re paying for it.
You said yes, when you knew you should have said no!
You dated someone everyone said not to date, and now there’s lots of hurt and you’re in the middle of the storm and you can’t blame anyone else.
Maybe That's Why They Gave Up Hope - - - They Knew It Was Their Fault.
I think we may find it easier to believe God can get us out of a storm He called us to, than it is for God to get me out of a storm we created.
Does that make sense?
Maybe It’s The Captain’s Fault.
You’re just a sailor and you didn’t have a say in it. You heard Paul, but you believed the captain and now through no fault of your own, you’re in the middle of the storm.
Have You Have Ever Been In The Middle Of A Storm And It Wasn't Your Fault?
Your parents divorced and you thought it was about you.
The company made poor business decisions, which impacted you.
Someone gave you their word and you believed them.
Whatever it was, you were the victim.
You’re in the middle of the storm and you’re giving up hope!
Now, Paul says in verse 22 - -
“Yet now I urge you to take heart,
 for there will be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship.”
Literally, Paul is calling them to have a positive spirit, to have good courage.
He is reassuring them there will be no loss of life.
How Many Of Us Need To Hear That?
Be Of Good Courage.
That’s a theme throughout the Bible. Remember what God told Joshua in chapter 1 verse 9;
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous!
Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed,
for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Be of good courage! Be courageous.
Don’t be afraid. Don’t be discouraged.
Don’t be defeated. Don’t give up hope!
Because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go!
That’s news we need to hold onto! It’s great news when we’re giving up hope!!
Then in verse 23 Paul said - - -
“For this very night there stood before me an angel of the God
to whom I belong and whom I worship.”
Talk About A Powerful Statement From Paul!
You're in the boat in a raging storm and an angel stands beside you! I wonder what some were thinking.
I Truly Believe There Are Angels All Around Us.
There are angels where you are right now ministering to you.
I really do believe that. I believe the spiritual world, when we get there some day, is going to totally blow us away with what’s going on.
Imagine That You're In The Middle Of A Storm And The Presence Of God Is With You In This Moment. You have no idea all the different ways God is with you. He could be with you as an angel. His Spirit is with you. Jesus is with you! God is not bound by time; He’s with you yesterday, today and forever. He is listening to your prayers. He’s interceding on your behalf to the Father!
We Have No Idea How God Is With Us At All Times, Even In The Storms.
It’s what Paul told Timothy - - -
“At my first defense no one came to stand by me, but all deserted me,
But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me.” - 2 Timothy 4
Isn’t that great? The Lord stood by me and strengthened me.
The Lord didn’t leave me; the Lord didn’t fail me nor forsake me.
He’s with me, at my side, and He is with you at your side, and He's giving you strength.
Following Jesus doesn't mean bad days won't happen.
That's bad theology to think that it does.
Jesus said that in John 16:33,
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace.
In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
You will have trouble, but Jesus promises us He will be with us and on top of that, He has overcome the world.
That means Jesus is the victor!
We have our victory in Jesus.
We Can't Control What People Do To Us.
But, we can control what we believe and where we put our faith, put our trust. 
My faith is in the One who created the wind and the waves. I have faith in God that what He says will come to pass. What He says will happen - - - will happen.
Who Is God?
In Psalm 46:1-3, the psalmist tells us,
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(That means right now!)
Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble at its swelling.”
Don’t You Love That?
In the midst of our storms, God is our hiding place.
He is our refuge and our strength.
He is always ready, willing and able to help us in times of trouble.
Why? Because He is with us.
Who is He?
He is Immanuel.
He is God with us.
Because He is with us, we will not be afraid, even if the earth is shaken, (it’s sure shaking right now!) and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, even though the seas roar and rage, and the mountains tremble.
If we lose our job, if the relationship falls apart, if the economy gets shaky,
I still will not be afraid.
Why? Because He is with me.
Because He will never leave us. Because He will never forsake us.
Because He is what we need.
Because He is our safety. He is our strength. He is our comforter.
He is our redeemer. He is our righteousness. He is our friend.
Because He is a rock. He is the living bread, the bread of life.
He is the living water that satisfies our souls.
He is the gate through which we can enter.
He is the good shepherd.
He is our comforter and peace.
That’s why you never let the presence of a storm cause you to doubt the presence of God.
True peace is not found in the absence of trials and storms.
That's a part of life.
True peace is found in the Presence of Immanuel.
God WITH us.
Let’s pray,
Heavenly Father, we see the world in turmoil, we see the storms on the horizon. Wherever we turn, it seems as if darkness is attempting to encroach and suffocate the goodness in the earth.
But Lord, you have people filled with your Spirit, you have your own set apart and called and planned for this very storm and time.
Lord, those that are listening to me, many of them like myself are asking questions like, “what more can I do”?
It seems as a governmental policies are thrown aside and treachery wins the day. It seems as if there are family members who refuse to speak to one another because of either different political views, or they’ve been forced into doing things that they didn’t want to do and they said “no”. Father we know all these things are being heard from you in our prayers and we ask that you help us to be like Paul, that we wait upon the strengthening of your angels that come around us.  You yourself were sent a strengthening angel in the garden of Gethsemane that ministered to you so that you could fulfill the ultimate call upon your life, to spare us from damnation and a place of great darkness for eternity.
Teach us your way oh God!
Teach us to trust you with all of our heart.  
Those places that have become weak or frightened, or perhaps presumptuous, Father, we want to be on an equal plain of humility before your throne, that you can call upon us, call us up at any time, that we might stand and face the storm in the courage of knowing that every place in which our foot has tread, you have given it to us.
We will be strong and courageous, and we will not be afraid.
We thank you Jesus so much for being there, we thank you, Father for the presence of your Holy Spirit. We can lift our hands and close our eyes and lift our hands and begin to call upon your name, and peace falls on us, and that thick Presence, knowing that you are in the midst of us. The world does not have that! The wicked never taste that kind of full belonging and peace, and we thank you for it.
Father I ask those that are listening today, if there’s anyone who’s afraid, if there’s anyone going through a really hard thing, Father I ask that your Presence would reassure them, that your grace your mercy would overshadow them right now and carry them to the place they need to be whatever it would be Father, relationships, finances, harm in family situations, physical abuse, perhaps a difficult medical diagnoses. I would ask that you would show them, let them know beyond any doubt there you are there and that you are not leaving them, that you will get them though the storm. 
Thank you Father for hearing my prayer in Jesus' loving, mighty and glorious name.
I Hope You Enjoyed Today’s Podcast!  I enjoyed sharing it with you.
My next podcasts are going to be in regard  to some things that I’ve been sitting on, now maybe two or, two and a half years. Sometimes you must wait until you have a peace and full release to share specific supernatural things you have experienced and that you have proof of.  
One thing I will be sharing is in regard to the State of Colorado.
Things that are now beginning to take place and I believe the word is to address this, but I believe it also is a national word. I have several things that the Lord has given me to share now as we are presently in a different time.
I encourage you to listen and then pray about it and pray for your nation.
We are in a difficult time. This is nothing but repeat of history over and over again, but I do know that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord himself will raise a standare up against him.
I say goodbye to you for now and thank you for listening!
Rest Child, Rest in my Peace, Rest in my Peace, Child. Rest.
Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed, as long as the complete message, Website, podcast link and information for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank You! 2023
"THE MESSENGER"  - Mary Lindow
If you would be so kind and assist Mary helping her to meet other administrative needs such as website and podcast costs, or desire to bless her service in ministry with Spirit-led Love gifts or regular support:
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His Beloved Ministries Inc. 
PO Box 1253
Denver, Colorado 80614
Or feel free to use our send a tax-deductible gift with
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Under the name of - His Beloved Ministries Inc. 
ALL gifts are tax-deductible under
His Beloved Ministries 5013c non-profit status.
We are financially accountable and have been in full compliance since
1985 with Clergy Financial Advantage.

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021

 By Mary Lindow Through The Holy Spirit
What I’m sharing on this specific podcast is about a vision that I had when my husband and I were first engaged. I was staying in his parent’s home and my husband had his own house about 10 miles away. We spent a lot of time talking together and praying and just contemplating what our future would look like in the Lord, and how he was going to use us, when Steve would come over to spend time with me after work.
One evening I had gone into the living room of my in-laws to play the piano and worship and sing to the Lord, and while I was worshiping Him and enjoying being in His presence, I had what would be described as a screen being dropped out in front of my eyes take place, and I had a very visual picture to watch or as the Bible would call it, a vision.
I SAW MYSELF RUNNING ACROSS SOME SEMI-ROCKY LAND and Steve was behind me. He was trying to direct a group of individuals to stay in line and be in unity together.
All of us had what looked to be like a stretchy headband wrapped around our heads and across our foreheads. Attached on the front of these were round lights like miner’s lamps. Some of lights on the people in the line where Steve was trying to get them to come into unity and walk together would flicker and not come on brightly. Others were very bright and consistently steady.
I was running ahead like a scout and the word “forerunner” came into my mind as I was running ahead. I turned around and looked at what Steve was doing and he was trying to stop these individuals from elbowing each other and fighting over whose theology was the most correct.
I turned back around and continued my scouting and forerunning and was jogging at a relaxed pace, but I knew I was heading towards something in front of me that I needed to get to.
The path had embedded rocks and bumps that I had to avoid so I wouldn’t trip. The lamp or miner’s light strapped to my forehead kept a bright light steadily beaming in front of me.
Suddenly, in front of me, was a large chasm or a gap and I had to stop and pull back so I wouldn’t fall headlong into the huge gap.
There was no possible human way to run and jump over it and I was at a dead stop staring over the edge. Intuitively, I knew I needed to get to the other side and that there was something very important for me to engage in and be a part of.
But! I didn’t see a ladder or a bridge long enough or safe enough in any direction, to try to cross over with.
I Heard A Voice In The Vision Tell Me To Take A Step Of Faith, and that as I walked forward, not in my own strength, not in my own might or power, but in the spirit, that I would make it safely to the other side.
I remember feeling hesitant and thinking I needed to warn Steve.
I turned around and told him I’m going to take a leap of faith to get to the other side. He looked at me and seem to understand what I was doing and turned around and tried to tell the other individuals that they were going to have to lean upon God‘s power and might and supernatural ability, to get them all to the other side. I once again turned around and backed up and took a running leap across this wide chasm. I was immediately on the other side and waited for Steve.
I REALIZED THAT I HAD TO DO THIS ON MY OWN WITH THE LORD, and not depend upon Steve to get me to where the Lord wanted me to be. Nor could I get him there. We were each responsible to trust in the Lord with all of our heart.
It was as if I was lifted back over the chasm for a moment so I could observe what was taking place with Steve and the others.
Several of the individuals who were irritated that others were not listening to their great rhetoric and interpretation of things, began to break loose and run forward while telling everyone how they were going to make it across the gap/chasm. Several of them literally walked off the edge of the cliff into the chasm due to not paying attention, and fell completely to the bottom.
They wanted to build a structure or devise a plan to get them there. Their lights were flickering very low by this point.
Steve finally said, “I have to go”, and he too, took a running leap of faith and threw his arms upward, eyes closed, trusting in the Lord’s provision to get him over the chasm. He met me standing on the other side of this wide gap.
Everyone was dressed in a white robe and had different colors of sashes to indicate which battalion or team of army members they were marching with.
Everyone’s headband with the lamp on the front of it was brilliantly white and the lamps were shining intensely! Everyone was in order and marching in unison, with thousands of members.
It seemed as if there were missiles and different kinds of weaponry clashing above us, but we were all marching calmly and firmly in unity and we knew we were marching under the direction of our Leader, King, Jesus Christ.
Shortly after this surprising vision I “came to myself” again and sat there and pondered what I had seen, for a very long time.
Steve and I have often talked about this and have often shared the details with each other again as we l pray and ask the Lord why he would show it to us at that time, and what we were being prepared for.
Many denominations and non-denominational groups as well as progressive and New Age influenced churches have chosen to embrace a corporate world structure and more eagerly, “hunker down” into a “murky version” of the word of God.
Many have embraced the cultural pressure to push away pure living, and interpret the word of God to fit the current day embracing of immoral sexuality and freethinking on many levels.
THE CURRENT BLATHERING INTELLECTUALS OF THE ERA mock and criticize those who choose to live a morally and biblically pure and truthful application of God’s word.
You know, It just not "cool or hip" right now to not be a little edgy and nasty!
I believe that in the vision that I had, those who were elbowing and arguing and posturing while on their way to what they felt was an event (that would be in fact an important moment in the collective body of Christ), these individuals had “dimmed” their approach to allowing their minds to be renewed and cleansed by the word of God. I believe the headbands that weakly flickered with the mining lights were symbols of what they fed their minds with, weakening their discernment.
THOSE WHO WERE FOCUSED ON HAVING THEIR MINDS RENEWED by the word of God, being illuminated by his word and having their minds renewed had no wavering or angst taking place.
Those that were fighting and pontificating the most, had the dimming lamps that flickered and seemed to short out, and they insisted that adaptations and adjustments could be made according to the way that they interpreted faith and how to walk with Christ.
When Steve kept telling them in the vision that they had to be unified and that they had to be humble and to humbly care for one another as brothers in the Lord, they became all the more enraged, condescending, and began to rush ahead in arrogance and with great irritability.
ONE INDIVIDUAL WAS WALKING BACKWARDS lecturing everyone and literally fell over the cliff edge into the chasm, screaming all the way down.
Anyone who is doing all they know to do to have a close walk with the Lord right now at this time, who desires to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to the churches and us individually, is fully aware of the deceptive clouds of wickedness and filth hovering over the world.
LYING HAS BECOME AN HONORED AND CUNNING ATTRIBUTE in order to confuse, control, and break other human beings.
Sadly, many in the faith have chosen to become rabid political activists to the point that it’s all that they devour and think about day and night.
They shun anyone who will not listen to them and certainly have embraced on many levels, the message of a “one world unified socialist lifestyle”. This is where a great delusion has been allowed to deceive many. Second Thessalonians 2:11 warned us about this!
“Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false.”
In 2 Timothy 3:1-5 we have quite the strong warning about how it was going to roll out and unfold. (I think that we are already there.)
“So! Understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 
For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, but treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but they deny its power. Avoid such people.”
These are strong and difficult words to hear aren’t they?
When I was forerunning ahead in the vision, I believe it was a indicator of a prophetic forerunner seeing the things to come as well as seeing what God was asking of his people, as the world became more corrupt and dark, and decisions that were difficult that were coming, were about to be made.
THE ENTIRE TIME I WAS RUNNING I WAS WATCHING AND LOOKING TO MAKE SURE THAT MY FEET WOULD NOT TRIP, and when I came to the edge of the chasm I knew that I had to completely abandon myself, to everything that I could possibly fashion or create in my mind, leaving behind the hopeful use of any personal skills to get to the other side of where God wanted me to be.
I had to abandon myself to the fact that God said to take a leap of faith. That I must trust Him spirit, soul, and body, to be moved into position in His kingdom where I would be in unity marching with His great army of servants.
Somehow in my spirit, in the vision, I knew that Steve was going to be okay and also knew that we had to individually make a choice to trust God completely with our lives, no matter what difficulties we were about to face.
There was great sadness on Steve’s face when he turned around and knew he had to now leave those who were rushing ahead and jumping or still arguing on the edge of the chasm, and that it was his time to risk everything and take a step of faith out into the unknown.
The minute Steve arrived on the other side of the chasm with me we were side-by-side marching to the sound of thousands of feet in unison and voices praising God. There was a look of determination and sobriety on every face that was in every battalion of people, but everyone knew why they were there, and what they were being assigned to.
The flashes of light and military type of war going on above us was constant but no one broke rank and everyone was marching in the battalion that they were a part of. Praise and powerful prayers were coming out of all of all of the people’s mouths as they raised their hands forward in honor of what was up ahead, which I believe was King Jesus himself.
In Joel 2:11 it says
“The Lord utters his voice before his army,
For his camp is exceedingly great;
He who executes his word is powerful.
For the day of the Lord is great and very awesome;
Who can endure it?”
NOW, I WILL NOT PRESUME TO TRY TO UNPACK ALL THAT IS GOING ON IN THE EARTH TODAY, nor will I say that I understand all of the applications of the book of Revelation or End Time thoughts.
What I will say is that the Lord has told us that the difficult days would come and that antichrists and deceivers would rise up from among us, even trying to deceive the very elect, God’s own precious, set apart children.
1 John 4:3 tells this clearly!
Every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God.
This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.
You see, This is a time where God is already showing those who have ears to hear what He is saying and that we are being called to take great steps and leaps of trust and faith in Him, like we have never, EVER done before.
IT’S SCARY OUT THERE IN THE WORLD, and tyrants and wicked men and women defy and mock anything that interferes with their corruption and filth. They are absolutely not interested in the sound of the voice of the Lord or in his people challenging them. But this is where our faith and trust in God must exceed and excel.
It is a time where you and I must continually and constantly renew our minds by intentionally reading and listening to the word of God.
HOW MANY TIMES A DAY DO PEOPLE CHECK THE SOCIAL MEDIA UPDATES and news feeds on their phones and I Pads? Is this where the light of Christ is found and minds are renewed?
No. It’s a place where distractions and debates and the opinions of man drown out truth and any trust in God.
Believers! Get a firm pace going in your pursuit of the truth!
Be aware of those snares and rocks placed there to intentionally get you to change course or quit and become part of the world’s narratives!
There’s no need to figure out what you are going to do
in tough times if you stay close to the word and voice of God!
He absolutely WILL guide you, and His word IS the lamp for your feet and the light that will keep your path lit up as you journey through dark days!
Psalm 119:105 
"Your word is a lamp to my feet
, AND a light to my path.
Don’t push away where he is trying to get you to give up your own, personal opinions about how things are to be done in a time where recklessness and chaos are rewarded.
Get quiet and be still in his presence, and ask him to tell you exactly what to do.
He will bring people across your path who are either like-minded or who will point the way to absolute sustaining truth.
Stay away from those who are so full of themselves, and who love the sound of their own voices, so that there is no room for tenderness and dialogue for a soul that is hungering after God.
We are to march to the sound of His voice and have our voices raised in praise of who He is and in declaration that we are of another Kingdom.
Even if it seems as if nothing is changing or that God is at a distance, we are not to walk by how we feel, or how things look around us.
We are to be determined to be in union and in communication by the spirit with the Spirit of the living God.
Ask the Lord to draw you close to him.
Choose to run after him!
Don’t wait for others to lead you or guide you to answer the questions that you have in your heart right now. Jesus by the Holy Spirit is able to speak clearly to you and he is able to give you direction, because, He IS the great I AM.
He IS wisdom.
He IS light!
And, He has promised…
…To never leave us in the dark.
Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world.
Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness,
But will have the light of life.” - John 8:12
Duplication and sharing of this message is welcomed provided that complete message, Podcast and website information for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank you. Copyright © 2021 THE MESSENGER " ˜ Mary Lindow

Wednesday Sep 11, 2019

By Mary Lindow through the Holy Spirit
If you would ask the true "heart determined" believer in Christ today just what it is that they need now more than ever, it would be totally answered by the very raw words;
“I am need to have full clarity of mind and a fearless trust in the knowledge of how much God loves me.”
People are winding up in anger, disbelief and frustration over this "Unfair" season the Bride of Christ is in! It just isn't fair! We have been so good! We have laid down everything!
Why oh why are WE being singled out?
“I am weary with my crying; my throat is parched;
My eyes fail while I wait for my God.”
~ Psalm. 69:3
“ I am weary with my sighing; every night I make my bed swim,
I dissolve my couch with my tears.
~ Psalm. 6:6
Does this sound like you right now?
The strongest impression I have received from the Father about the condition of His Bride is this. When things are going "fabulously" for her, when all of heaven is blessing, she wants to keep it that way! If she is not in a place of great humility and thankfulness for what the Lord is doing, she tends to assume that, “It’s about time folks knew just how long I've been waiting for them to see just how great this church, or ministry or intellectual skill I've been soooo blessed with is!”
Then comes the attitude that we have to keep it allotted to only a few “real winners” like ourselves, and we become exclusive and look for only high rollers to run with.
And then. AGAIN comes the TEST.
Persecution comes, mug slinging, attacks on personal integrity, character assassination, and again the fiery trial.........of our soul.
These trials as if by fire are only to test our faith, to show that it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold-- and our faith is far more precious to God than mere gold.
“So if your faith remains strong after being tried by fiery trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.” ~ I Peter chapter 1: 7
The Lord is working the Bride overtime right now to deal with selfish ambition, personal comfort, and any other areas of personal agenda or presumption.
YES! Presumption.
We as Christians have often presumed that because we are Christians…
…we should never experience severe sorrow, grief, loss, or devastation.
This “fairy tale” stems from a huge level of denial and total self focus. It is also a very Western culture mindset.
A dear friend of mine who went to China and who was visiting a Chinese underground church group, had a reality check that shook her to the core of her faith.
She thought that she was coming to this group to “help and bless them.”
When they asked her what could they pray for the church in American about in order to bless them she was flummoxed! Her reply was, “We came to see how we might help you! ” How can we pray for you?”
The response back was, “Pray that we would not be fearful or silent about the gospel of Jesus we share when the authorities beat us or imprison us. Pray that we remain strong enough physically to endure the persecution we receive and not fear what man may do to us.”
When others around us are going through loss, trauma, or heart breaking circumstances, sadly, many believers turn away in disgust or even more disturbing, display an arrogant attitude of thinking they are more blessed by God because their lives are not so complex or “shattered” as those around them who must have done SOMETHING wrong to bring these things upon themselves.
Regrettably, some of the pain some saints are experiencing is due to the disobedience of those in the Body of Christ around them! They resist the hand of God and react against others in retaliation toward God bringing correction or exposure to their secret lifestyle of personal gain or need for power!
“For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners
against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart.”
Heb. 12:3
Admit it! It is hard to not lose heart right now!
The world is in a tailspin and lukewarm Christians are showing their true colors! It's time to deal with this! It is NOT going to go away!
Jesus went through it. Stephen went through it and so did hundreds of others! AND it hurts, and disillusions, and causes us to be so very very weary!
“You will be delivered up and betrayed even by parents and
brothers and relatives and friends, and [some] of you they will
put to death.
Luke 21:16
“When?” You may ask…..
For my determined purpose is that I may know Him. That I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly, and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection which it exerts over believers, and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed in spirit into His likeness even to His death, in the hope…
… That if possible I may attain to the spiritual and moral] resurrection [that lifts me] out from among the dead even while in the body.
Not that I have now attained [this ideal], or have already been made perfect, but I press on to lay hold of (grasp) and make my own, that for which Christ Jesus (the Messiah) has laid hold of me and made me His own.
I do not consider, brethren, that I have captured and made it my own [yet]; but one thing I do, it is my one aspiration, forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the supreme and heavenly prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward.
_Philippians 3:10-14 (Amplified Bible)
1.) To gain HIS strength, we must relinquish our power or control
over what we think of others. We will be judged by the way we
judge others when they struggle. Pious and lofty lectures are not
the Kingdom language of healing and restoration. Loving-
kindness and Mercy reveal the heart of godly maturity in a
believer when dealing with the sorrows and anguish of others.
“Like one who takes away a garment on a cold day,
Or like vinegar poured on soda, is one who sings songs
To a heavy heart.”
Proverbs 25:20
2.) Reach out in kindness to those under fire.
Encourage them to stand. Encourage them to seek the Lord.
Bless them and don't talk about them when they struggle!
"The Lord God has given me the tongue of disciples,
That I may know how to sustain the weary one with a word.
He awakens me morning by morning,
He awakens my ear to listen as a disciple."
Isaiah 50:4 3
3.) Get still. Stop organizing, planning, and pushing ahead into
oblivion! God really does have a plan!
“Though youths grow weary and tired,
And vigorous young men stumble badly,
Yet those who wait for the Lord, Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become cynical. “
Is. 40:30 -31
It's all about trusting God in the end. Oh yes it is!
Will He REALLY refresh us in this time of struggle?
His Loving Word says so.
“For I satisfy the weary ones,
And refresh everyone who languishes."
Jer. 31:25 5
“Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial;
For once he has been approved,
He will receive the crown of life,
Which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.”
James 1:12
He is there! Even in the fog of struggle, loss, anxiety, and also in seeming success.
He wants us to be desperate for Him and rely wholly on His voice.
To make all of our decisions based on His plan for the whole earth!
Seek Him.
Lean into His Voice.
Elevate Grace and Mercy…
…And lower your own opinion of yourself and your abilities to
“lecture” others into healing or restoration.
Keep the vigil of prayer you are keeping for others well lit by the reflecting memories of past times when you yourself needed the Merciful Hand of God to lift you from agony and redeem your life from the pit.
Let us be so devoted to the “One” who lavished and spilled out all He had, that we might repeat His actions, and in so doing, bring His Glory to it’s fullest measure and depth.
His Mercy….
“Then will the lame leap like a deer,  And the mute tongue shout for joy.
Water will gush forth in the wilderness,  And streams in the desert.”
Isaiah 35:6
Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed provided that complete source, podcast and website information for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank You
Copyright © 2019 " THE MESSENGER " ~ Mary Lindow

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