Mary Lindow ~ The Messenger Podcast

God's house in me


Tuesday Jun 11, 2024

By Mary Lindow through the Holy Spirit
Some say he was called at the age of 17. 
He was called to reprove a crumbling nation. The Israelite nation. 
Unfortunately for them they didn’t listen to him. But during his day, people were so hardened by sin that they neither believed God nor feared him. They seem to find Jeremiah's constant warning of judgment overbearing and frankly, annoying.
Those that hear our warning find us obnoxious! 
But as believers we are supposed to follow God's instructions to warn a lost and dying world of upcoming judgment. Even though most are not listening, we still have to persevere in courageously speaking truth in order to rescue some from the terrible judgment that will inevitably come. If we are so easily discouraged at fighting the rude behavior of our peers what are we going to do, when we are confronted by demons? 
The LORD rebukes Jeremiah for his impatience in Jeremiah 12:5 saying, 
“If you have raced with men on foot and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses? If you fall down in a land of peace [where you feel secure], Then how will you do among the lions in the flooded jungle thicket beside the Jordan?”
If we are distraught when we can't make a car payment, what will we do when we lose our job?
If the footmen weary you what will the horses do?
If we are distressed at the terrorism going on overseas, what will we do when it’s in our own neighborhoods? Because it already is!
If the footmen weary you what will the horses do?
If we are overwhelmed with the work we have now, what will we do when a double or triple portion is required of us? 
If the footmen weary you what will the horses do?
God is telling Jeremiah “ If you are not able to encounter lesser dangers, how will you be able to overcome greater ones?” 
Jesus said to us in John 16: 33, “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! Take Courage! I have overcome the world.”
IT’S NATURAL THAT OUR HARDEST DAYS AND MOST DIFFICULT TRIALS ARE AHEAD OF US, NOT BEHIND US. If you are worried and in great upset about these things, what are you going to do when you are forced to face extremely difficult trials and troubles that are most certainly just around the bend?
Matthew Henry said, “The faith even of strong believers may sometimes be sorely shaken and ready to fail them. There will be storms that will try the firmest anchors.” Now, Isn’t that the truth? 
JEREMIAH WAS CONSUMED WITH GRIEF ABOUT THE PROSPERITY OF THE WICKED in Anathoth when just in a short time He would be beaten in Jerusalem by order of the priest Pashhur (instead of worrying about the prosperity of heathens in Anathoth, he was about to be severely punished by a priest in Jerusalem). 
Let's take a sneak peek of what is in store for Jeremiah:
“He had Jeremiah the prophet beaten and put in the stocks at the Upper gate of Benjamin at the Lord’s temple.” Jer. 20:2
If Jeremiah had known what was going to happen ahead of him, He wouldn't have wasted time complaining about the men of Ana Thoth. Jeremiah was concerned about something insignificant when something greater needed his attention. 
And, His own family was secretly conspiring against him — they spoke well of him to his face but were trying to incite a mob against him behind his back. They seemed to be friendly but they were really his enemies.
God's Faithful Servants Shouldn't Think It Strange
That Their Enemies Are In Their Own Family,
Some Living Under Their Own Roof.
Jesus told us in Matthew 10:34-35 
“For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man's enemies will be the members of his own household.”
I know I keep repeating the statement because it’s what the Holy Spirit would have me consistently say so that you hear the challenge and that you are strengthened to stand up and be courageous, now!
GOD'S ANSWER TO JEREMIAH WAS TO BE ABSOLUTELY DETERMINED TO STAY SOLID AND IMMOVABLE IN HIS WALK WITH GOD, because there were bigger trials ahead of him that needed his attention. But God does let him know what will happen to Israel and her enemies. Although God punishes Israel by allowing her enemies to overtake the land, God would not let her enemies sacrilegiously use that land which belongs to Israel. Even their land is blessed!
“But after I uproot them, I WILL AGAIN HAVE COMPASSION and will bring each of them back to his own inheritance and his own country.” (Jeremiah 12:15)
God will again deliver his people from their enemies by uprooting them just as he did when they were suffering in Egypt. 
“And if they learn well the ways of my people and swear by my name, saying, 'As surely as the LORD lives' even as they once taught my people to swear by Baal – then they will be established among my people.” (V.16)
If Israel's enemies would pay homage to God the way they did for Baal, (a dead and dumb idol) if they could humble themselves to follow the God of Israel instead of teaching Israel to follow idols they would be rewarded, but if not...
“'But if any nation does not listen, I will completely uproot and destroy it,' declares the LORD” (v. 17)
“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.” 
(If our troubles were always behind us, we would never grow as a Christian.) 
We mustn’t waste time complaining about petty things. 
Quickly put on your helmet, take up your sword and shield, tighten your armor and get ready! Get ready to run with the horses!
God offers Jeremiah a beautifully wise word picture for him to consider. 
He essentially asks Jeremiah, “If footmen weary you, what will the horses do?” 
Makes sense, after all, it has a beginning, middle, and a strong determination to finish strong. It requires endurance, patience, devotion and a resolution to finish strong. At the end of his life Paul said, “I have finished the race.” And referring to Jeremiah's race God is saying: If running with others on foot, when everything is equal, what are you going to do when they are given horses?
In this verse the prophet Jeremiah has been complaining about his persecutors. God Divinely answers, and warns Jeremiah about his impatience, and then tells him that harder trials are in store for him. 
What? More distressing times? 
We all have had the experience of how in our lives, there are long stretches of uneventful days, and then, generally without warning, some crisis is sprung on us, which demands quite a different set of gifts to cope with it. Our monsoons in Colorado generally come without any warning from a falling barometer.
We may at any moment be plunged in some huge calamity and the quiet course of our lives for years suddenly is interrupted with fierce storms and devastating fallout. 
There will some times come a call to strain our muscles to keep up with the gallop of the cavalry. We will have to struggle to keep our feet in the rising waters of difficultly, and must not expect to have a continual leisurely life in ‘a land of peace.’
With the power of Jesus in our spirits we shall never have to attempt 
a duty that we are not first strengthened by Him to take on. 
And we never have to face a danger in which He won’t defend us. 
With His life in us we will be ready for the long hours of uneventful, unexciting duties, and for the short spurts that make precise calls on each of us to respond to. We ‘WILL run and not be weary; we will walk and not faint.’ 
As I finish this podcast I’d like to share what Oswald Chambers said about patience during the time of great difficulty and when the world is filled with uprising.  It is so powerful and quite comforting.
THE DUTY OF PATIENCE – by Oswald Chambers
"Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth" (Rev. 3:10).
Jesus says we are to keep the word of His patience. There are so many things in this life that it seems much better to be impatient about. 
The best picture to explain this is that of an archer: 
He pulls the bowstring further and further away from his bow with the arrow solidly fixed in its slot, then, when it is adjusted, with his eye on the target he lets it fly. 
The Christian's life is like that. God is the archer. 
He takes the saint like a bow which He stretches, and we get to a certain point and say,” I can't stand any more, I can't stand this test of patience any longer," but God goes on stretching. 
He is not aiming at OUR TARGET mark, but at His own, and the patience of the saints is that we hold on until He lets the arrow fly straight to His goal." 
Are you ready for a time of strengthening to come into your life? 
The Lord promises that a dramatic transformation will take place in us when we abandon our agenda and open ourselves to His plan for us. 
We can see this so clearly in the life of Saul before he had become the Apostle Paul. 
Saul had been intent upon his own evil strategy to persecute Christians. Then came his life-changing encounter with Jesus, when he asked the most important question of all in Acts 9:6: 
“Lord, what do YOU want me to do?”
Are you ready to give up your own fruitless designs in return for God’s better plan?
Lord Jesus, I have been moving forward persistently with my own thoughts and plans.
I have been intent upon seeing those accomplished.
Now I see that despite my good intentions, my plans may not be in line with Yours.
Right now, I humble myself before You. 
I take this moment to ask, “Lord, what do You want me to do?” 
In Your presence, I place my agenda on the shelf, and I open my heart and my hands to Your plans and purposes.
I belong to You, Lord. Please forgive me for any stubbornness that may have captivated me. 
I pull down that stronghold right now—any thought that needs to be taken captive to the obedience of Christ. 
I place my future in Your hands, Lord Jesus. 
Have Your way—and only Your way—in my life. Amen.
Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed, as long as the complete message, website podcast link and information for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank You! 2024
If you would be so kind and assist Mary helping her to meet other administrative needs such as web site and podcast costs, or desire to bless her service with Spirit-led Love gifts or regular support:
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His Beloved Ministries Inc. PO Box 1253Denver, Colorado 80614USA 
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Under the name of - Mary Lindow
ALL gifts are tax-deductible underHis Beloved Ministries 5013c non-profit status.
We are financially accountable and have been in full compliance since 1985 with Clergy Financial Advantage.
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"Faith Konnect Kingdom Prayer Rooms"

Sunday Oct 29, 2023

It’s not just “my opinion” that playing close to the edge of occult involvement is a trap and a lure.
It’s my very deep conviction after having a full on and horrifying experience when we were young and first married.
Steve and I had watched a James Bond 007 show earlier that evening called "Live and Let Die", with a lot of “harmless” voodoo, (incantations and curses being put on people) and "fun" spies disturbing graves, and dark evil spirits attacking them.
While we were watching, I had a very quiet but persistent warning inside my heart to “stop watching the show”.
I blew it off saying to myself that, “I could handle it…
 It was just a show… harmless entertainment.”
After we had gone to bed and had fallen asleep, I was awakened by a loud crashing sound outside of our bedroom door, which was our living room. I turned my head to look in that direction and standing in the door frame was a hunched over, very tall, long haired, naked from waist up, long armed, pig snouted with a brass ring pierced through it, hairy being.
I thought I was maybe dreaming so I shook my head and rubbed my eyes to see if I was just coming out of a bad dream. Nope.
The dark being was still there.
My body was paralyzed in fear and I could not move to wake Steve.
I spoke to the hideous creature and told it to leave in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ.
It just laughed at me and began to move into the room and alongside the bed, heading towards me. I said the same words again and it laughed, saying, "YOU invited me into your home tonight! I have every right to be here!"
I immediately knew that I had rejected the warning of The Holy Spirit to not watch the show. I was crying in terror and said, “Jesus… Please forgive me for ignoring your warning! I repent and apologize for blowing you off!”
At that point, the demonic thing stopped at the foot of the bed and was very agitated. I was no longer paralyzed with fear and then spoke to it again, telling it that I was forgiven by Jesus and that in HIS NAME, the evil being had to leave our home.
It still stood there frustrated and I told it again that the power of Christ and His poured out blood on the cross for my sins cried out against this attack and that it must leave. It started to whimper and walked towards the wall and then, walked right through it, and left.
Immediately, Steve woke up and asked what was the crashing sound! I told him everything that happened. He got up and went out to the living room. On the floor was a weather station type of decoration that we had firmly screwed into our wall. It had “somehow” ripped itself off the wall, jumped 8 inches and onto our record player, (yes…. we had vinyls!) sending the needle across the worship record we played often every day.
Both Steve And I Knew At That Point
That We Could Never Again Justify Or Blow Off
The Warning From The Father About
Our Entertainment Choices.
We were called to be worshippers and to not ever allow a strongman from hell into our home.
Here Are Some Reasons The Scriptures Warn Against
Engaging In Any Form Of The Occult:
➡ We are opening ourselves up to spirits other than God’s.
➡ We are not looking to God for guidance, but to the occult.
➡ We are turning away from true faith in Jesus.
➡ We are disobeying God’s word, the Bible.
The Israelites often made the same mistake and turned from God, although God clearly warned them about this.
“When you enter the land The LORD your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or who consults the dead. 

Anyone who does these things is detestable to The LORD, and because of these detestable practices The LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before The LORD your God. 

The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, The LORD your God has not permitted you to do so,” Deuteronomy 18:9-14.
Saul, Israel’s first king, started out well. He expelled mediums and spiritualists from the land, then violated God’s word and his own conscience by consulting a medium (1 Samuel 28:3-25). His end was tragic (1 Samuel 31:1-6).
New Testament Christians turned from sorcery. We really need to let their example serve as an inspiration and a warning.
“Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed their evil deeds. A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas. In this way the word of The LORD spread widely and grew in power.” Acts 19:18-20.
These verses are given to us as warnings.
God wants us to learn from the examples he gives in the Bible, and to avoid making the same mistakes. He loves us and wants us to turn from anything that will get between us and the safe spiritual life that he offers.
Bible verses warning about mediums and spiritualists:
“Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritualists, for you will be defiled by them. I AM The LORD your God,” Leviticus 19:31.
“I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spiritualists to prostitute himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people,” Leviticus 20:6.
“When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritualists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?” Isaiah 8:19.
So these are the things, these are the scriptures that the Lord has given us, the warnings are there, and also the consequences! I can tell you that ever since then, I have been fully aware of when there’s something on television or when people want to watch a movie or, there’s people beginning to talk on a New Age level of intellectualism. Or, they talk about some of the things they’re partaking in for “medical practices”, or, different kinds of exercise programs, my first thought is, “If it has to have something to do with the occult or if it has to have something to do with “freeing your mind” so that you can relax and so your body is at peace”.
These are the lures that the enemy uses to draw us into other gods, and some Christian individuals actually say, “Oh, we’re not worshiping the god, we’re just doing things with the name of the Lord on it.”
The Lord doesn’t put his name on anything occult, and he never will, because he is The Sovereign, Ultimate Strength, THE  Sovereign Ultimate King, and he is The Voice that speaks to his people.
The word talks about those that know the voice of the Lord, the sheep, they know his voice, but the voice of strangers they will not follow, SO, I encourage you that during this time in the Earth, when the occult practices are literally overwhelming schools, college campuses, exercise regimes, television, movies, videos, (the Super Bowl was packed with these for years) to not engage!
Many of the performing artists that are considered “popular musicians” have sold their souls to demonic activity in order to become wealthy. This is how it works many times, you make a pact with the devil for fame fortune and greatness, but there’s always a price to pay and that is that you are captive, held captive, and many times these people can’t get out without a tremendous amount of threat against them.
I’m Now Going To Lead You In A Prayer.
I feel in my spirit that the reason I was to put this on this podcast is that there are some of you who have been saying, “I need to know if this is really bad for me or if I’m being ridiculous, and being too stringent or too rigid”.
Let me tell you something. You can never be too rigid against Satanic involvement in your life and you can never be too stringent against saying, “is there anything that I am opening the door to in my home that can affect my children’s sleep, affect my health, affect the safety of our home,” because our homes are to be a place of peace for the presence of God, a sanctuary for God to reside on a more personal level.
The word says, “don’t you know you’re a temple of the Holy Spirit?”  When Jesus comes into our spirit, when the spirit of God comes to dwell inside of us after we surrender and we say, “Take that part of my life and use it”, that part dictates from the inside out. But, if we let our mind get in there and say, “I can handle it! I can handle it! It’s not that big of a deal! I feel so good! It’s good entertainment.  My body feels great when I engage in meditation!” (What kind of meditation?) 
Why do you need to meditate on something that is not bringing the presence of God closer to you, and you, closer to the presence of God? 
Because our flesh doesn’t want to be convicted.
Our flesh does not like the discipline of getting still, or studying the word of God, or resting in his presence, and worshiping him. Not unless we discipline it and train it, and grow in his word so we see the gratitude of how, IT is, the voice that controls and speaks to our spirit, causing us to be at peace and to war against the things of darkness.
We live in high-pressure times, and the warfare, (yes, it is warfare), it is demonic war against God‘s people, and, the number one thing is fear, anxiety, stress, worry, and then, just go ahead and escape for a little while.  Watch something on TV. The Flesh says, “Go ahead! Watch some of those movies on Netflix that have some horror scenes or a lot of heavy sex. You can handle it!
The "F word" is being used a lot, and now many other words have become commonplace. But you see the thing is, WE CAN’T, handle it! Because it gets into our brains, it gets into our minds. It gets into our way of thinking, and it dulls our ability to hear the clear and clean pure words of the Lord.
If you don’t want to walk with Jesus, 100% and you want a lukewarm walk, then you’re going to be susceptible to demonic activity in your life, and unfortunately if you have children, you’re opening the door to them, and the Lord talks in that one scripture about not letting children pass through the fire.
We Are Not To Offer Our Children Up In Sacrifice
To Demonic Activity, And Yet A Lot Of Parents
Go Ahead And Sacrifice Their Kids To A Lot Of
Occult Practices Because “It’s Hard To Be Different”.
You don’t have to have to be locking the doors, and turning the light bulbs out all the time for fear that the devil is coming to get you! But! I can tell you this! You do want to shut your door to occult practices and the doors that come through your iPads, your computers, and your television screens.
These are the places; these are the entry points that the enemy uses. Those out there preparing programming, the majority of them in the world are all geared towards doing satanic and fearful programming and if anything, they like to do “shock value” enticing types of programs to bring stimuli and fear! That’s how they get better listeners or viewers or people chatting and talking! But their goal is not to bring goodness or peace or safety. Their goal is to get you to come back and be addicted to more or “fascinated”.
This is where that word “fascination” and “magical” comes in.  We just feel like we’re mesmerized and drawn in, and we kind of want to know how it works. We want to know how it ends! And then before you know it, your mind has been seared, your conscience has been compromised. Then enters the guilt and then the shame, and then the hiding, and guess who did that?
When Adam and Eve engaged with the snake in the garden, he trapped them and lured them, and said, “It’s not that big of a deal! You can handle it! Did God really say that to you?”But once they tasted of evil, they were forever changed. They were forever changed and lost their innocence, and forever change mankind.
Imagine how much that sin nature is affecting us!
Thank goodness that Jesus came to wash us clean and poured out his life, and endured a horrible sacrifice for us, so that we would have a chance to have our minds cleaned. If we are introducing our children to it, imagine the torment, and the things passing down to them.
 I encourage you now to pray with me, and if it’s not for you, If you don’t have this problem, but you’re saying, “I agree I’ve had experiences like this or I know what you’re talking about!”
If you have family members maybe you have children, if you have a spouse, if you have grandchildren that are engaging in specific kinds of occultic things, (and friends you know with a lot of the PlayStation games and different kinds of Xbox games), there’s a tremendous amount of demonic looking creatures and a lot of darkness in those games and yeah, I guess, “you can handle it”, but if you’re murdering and killing and having guns shooting and bloodlust all the time, eventually, is it a just a game? Has it become a conquering or have you become desensitized?
Do you want to hear the voice of the Lord?
Do you want to hear the Lord speaking clearly about the times about the days?
Do you want to hear him protecting you, telling you to get in the car and leave now, or “don’t go to the grocery store” or “don’t go down “that” street”? 
He WILL lead you like that and protect you!
Do you want the Lord to tell you his secrets?
Did you know that he tells them to his servants? But! He tells them to those that will spend time in his presence, seeking his voice, seeking to know him more. 
I encourage you to consider, "which tastes better".
The presence of God, and hearing his voice, or a temporary high and excitement, or the thrill that wears off, and then you’re buried in guilt, or harassed by something dark?
I’m just going to pray now. I’m going to ask you just to pray with me or agree with me in prayer for those that you know need to be free.
Heavenly Father, we come to you and Father you say that you roam the Earth to and fro, with your eyes you are looking all over the Earth, searching for those who will serve you, searching for those who will obey you.  Lord you know all things, you see all things, and you hear all things.
You are aware of the assignments of darkness against our families, against our children, against our grandchildren, against our spouses, against our brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles.
Father, we stand before you now individually and ask you for a clean heart. We ask you to wipe the slate clean of anything that we may have engaged in.
First of all we say we’ve sinned against you because it’s the truth.  If we’ve done these things we have done them against you. We have put our eyes upon idols or things at the world calls, current and exciting and we think that we’re just fitting in, as a part of it or maybe it seems like it’s not harmless. It looks like everybody else is doing fine.
Lord, l you know the condition of each man’s heart, and Lord you know those that are using this as a lure, so Father, we stand before you, and we ask that you would create in us a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within us. Don’t cast us away from your presence!
Lord, we don’t want your Holy Spirit taken from us, because we choose to listen to other evil spirits are divining spirits!
Now Lord, we say to you, we ask if there’s anything in our lives, anything in the lives of our families that they are engaging in or things that we have become accustomed to, that you would show us clearly and concisely, vividly, the things that we have put our hand to that are not from you.
Lord, we repent, we apologize. We are ashamed that we would allow even the whisper of a demonic subtlety to enter into our home.
We want to be the stewards, good stewards of what you’ve given us in children, in our spouses and our grandchildren. So we ask that you would put a barrier between us and the darkness, that conviction would rise up again, that we would heed your voice, and not the voice of a stranger!
Lord your word says whether we turn to the left or turn to the right, there you are right behind as a voice saying, “This is the way, walk in it”.
Lord, forgive us for thinking that we don’t want to be different or strange in this world, that we don’t want to be ridiculed. Father we are a peculiar people as you said, you made us and fashioned us to stand out in the dark world, and when we gave our lives to you, we committed that you would be Lord, Savior, King, Ruler, Master over our lives, and we apologize to you for ever touching anything that gave others mastery over us.
Now Father, we just come before you, and ask you to wash us clean. Wash our children, wash our grandchildren clean, wash our families clean.
Lord, we apologize and ask that now you would make the rudder of our ship turn back out to the direction where we seek you, and seek you alone. That the entertainment choices that we make in the future will be with wisdom and if there’s something on television that is dark or dirty, or evil or suggestive, we turn it off, we don’t just mute it. We turn it off. We will not let our eyes even watch, nor let our ears hear. 
Father. We thank you that you will speak loudly, “Don’t do that! Stop now!”  Just like you did to me. Father, we ask that you would speak loud and clear, because sometimes we’re dull of hearing.
Lord we submit to you, we glorify your name. We thank you, that you deliver us completely and you set us free when we’re captive to dark things.
We call upon the name of Jesus Christ who is God, who is the Son of God, the Sovereign king, and we thank you that the Holy Spirit is there to convict us of our sins. We thank you Triune being Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for the privilege of being called children of God.
Lord, teach us to act like children of God, in our every day lives, in Jesus most holy and powerful name against darkness.
Mary Lindow © 2023  - “THE MESSENGER”
Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed 
provided that complete message, website information and podcast link for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank You! 

Copyright 2023 - "THE MESSENGER "
~ Mary Lindow  -
If you have been impressed by the Holy Spirit to assist Mary helping her to meet other administrative needs such as web site and podcast costs, or desire to bless her service with Spirit-led Love gifts or regular support:
Please JOYFULLY send your gift in the form of:
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ALL gifts are tax-deductible underHis Beloved Ministries 5013c non-profit status.
We are financially accountable and have been in full compliance
since 1985 with Clergy Financial Advantage. 

Tuesday Apr 19, 2022

By Mary Lindow
The Lord is revealing a sound in the earth coming from the hearts and deep cries of so many of His people right now.  Perhaps it might even be yours as you read. There is a cry of hunger for His sure, safe presence in difficult times and in changing times.
The world and it's voices of influence, humanistic subtleties, and constant technology and it's sounds bring about an overload of weariness to all people, and there is a greater need for a place of rest for the warriors of truth who are very aware of the pressures that have not stopped mounting for many years now.  
It can bring a real sense of despair, broken-heartedness and shock when you encounter this type of thing and when it attempts to destroy your hope and confidence in what the Lord Jesus has set you apart for to express in His Power and in His name.
I don't know fully why it seems as if good people who are sincere and pure hearted seem to go through more persecution and repeated difficulty than those who seem to be the ones perpetuating the majority of it!!  
“My soul faints with longing for your rescue,
But I have put my hope in your word.”
-Psalm 119:81
“You hear, O LORD, the desire of the afflicted;
You encourage them, and you listen to their cry.”
-Psalm 10:17
It is saying that the Lord Himself will encourage us!
That is why we must continue to fight for that place of Divine “refuge!”
That “get away from it all” place of craving and longing for His comfort.
He knows our hurt, our loneliness, our scorched and heart torn issues! He understands how agonizing and bled out we can get when it seems as if battle after battle we begin to wonder if something might be wrong with us!
“Hope delayed makes the heart sick,
But when dreams come true, there is life and joy.”
-Proverbs 13:12 (NAT)
We are in a time where no persons opinions, no one’s books, no one’s TV shows are going to satisfy that craving, that need for a thirst quenching drink of companionship with God.
We long to hear words from someone that tell us everything is going to be all right! That our children will be safe, our homes protected, our basic needs provided! And yet! Nothing “out there” satisfies us fully!
…The season of great hunger for the simple walk with Jesus has blossomed!
Only time spent with him like a dear dear friend will fill the gaping ache you have.  He will speak, He will comfort and He will show you what is true and what is false in the days ahead if you will return to that PLACE of companionship with Him. Away from the opinions of men and the noise of this life. 
“Every word you give me is a miracle word-how could I help but obey?
Break open your words, let the light shine out,
let ordinary people see the meaning.
Mouth open and panting, I wanted your commands more than anything.
Turn my way, look kindly on me, as you always do to those who personally love you.”
Psalm 119:129-131 (The Message)
“ To know of My ways, you must know ME!
To Know Me, you must spend time with ME.
To spend time with Me, you must purpose, to put aside the lists of things you have to do, before you can spend time with Me.”
“Order you days first in My Presence, and watch the desires of your heart be fulfilled.  Man and his counsel will always fall short of the full truth of My Wisdom. I have blueprints and a Master plan for so many things yet to build upon in your life.” 
“Come. Let us talk again together.”
“You are the temple, the house of My Holy Spirit. I desire to build you up in spiritual strength as you walk in prayer conversations with me. “I will fulfill your longing for peace and direction as you step up again into a heavenly trust and rest.”
“People will change, man will fail you, friends will turn, if they are not seeking My Voice above the clamor of the day. And you My child will fail others, if you listen to your own voice of reason and intelligence.  As you turn to Me, you will see My compassion poured out upon you and you will then have My power of pure godly compassion and Wisdom driven grace to pour out on others.”
 “I too, long for you as well!  Seek Me-with all of your heart, your longings, your heartaches, your dreams. And I will be there with arms of strength to rescue you from Despair.”
“You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”
-Jeremiah 29:13
“The LORD is good to those, whose hope is in Him, 
to the one who seeks Him.”
-Lamentations 3:25
Duplication and sharing of this message is welcomed as long as complete article, podcast link and website information for Mary Lindow is included. Thank You.
Copyright 2022  - " THE MESSENGER " ~ Mary Lindow
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Tuesday Jun 30, 2020

By Mary Lindow through the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit
My spiritual discernment tells me...... That a change in the spiritual climate is coming.
There ABSOLUTELY is risk associated with the shifting of your focus, choices and standards.
For some, there is risk that the newness that God is bringing will also bring an ending to their way of doing things, an ending to the security of the past.
For others there is risk that they will be the people called to forge into new territory in the power of the Spirit, to announce and help build and steward the newness that God is bringing.
I often ponder (at times I stew and pace) about where the church is in this post-modern culture and where it desperately needs to be heading.
I feel a change in the air. I sense a new freshness and direction being orchestrated by the Lord in His church, meaning His people. I’m sure not smart enough to know what all that means nor am I able to predict the future, but the signs are there.
My spiritual discernment tells me...... that a change in the spiritual climate IS coming.
I’m not yet sure whether this is a storm or the just the rains after a drought, but I have an inkling that it may be the wind of opportunity that promises a new beginning that I hear blowing. It may just be the fresh winds of the Spirit that will bring the “showers of spiritual blessings” that people used to sing about, but most likely.... this is not the case.
Our world and our culture are changing rapidly all around us.
With new communication technology and increasing global interaction, we face a world that will be absolutely different from the one which we have lived in for so long.
Our own society is changing.
There are new ways of thinking and new ways of doing things.(Think self driving cars and drones delivering pizzas!)
The year were are in just sped through and was just a date on a calendar, but that date caused us to take a long look at where we have been and where we are going. And, when we looked closely, the changes unfolding all around us have surprised us, or at least it surprised me!
Of course, some want to see changes, ANY changes, as threatening.
And so they move into a doomsday mode and adopt a negative view (Think the Jonah Syndrome). They fight most any kind of change as a change for the worse.There ARE things to be concerned about WITH some changes. But where some people see only problems, others see opportunities.
Change can be threatening, scary, and hard!HARD H A R DWORK!
However, the people who study these things say that times of change are the best opportunities for people to respond to God. The uncertainty and discomfort that any major change brings, opens the door to reevaluate your life and ask questions about your purpose and what in your life has meaning.
If that’s true in individuals, I am pretty sure that it’s also true of society. And it’s true of the church.
Studies and Stats show that there is more interest in religion and spirituality in the world at large now than there has been in the last half-century.
Of course, some of that spirituality is of the weird and twisted kind, and certainly not Christian. But, that also tells us that there are opportunities to proclaim the Gospel, in Love, with authentic compassion and yet without compromising.
Honestly speaking, I’m not sure what all that means for the church. The message hasn’t changed, and the truth hasn’t changed, but the world has, and how we speak and express the truth will need to change in order to speak to that world.
New winds are blowing. The spiritual climate is changing. The smell of fresh breezes and fresh showers are in the air.But one thing is certain.
There will be no status quo.
There will be no “going on as usual”.
The changes, are already in process.
We can’t change things just because we decide it should be done friends!
That’s presumption!
If we say we want GOD’S plan(s) for change, we have to get the blueprints from Him. But, we CAN do it as God calls out to us and reveals to us where HE is working in the world. And then, we can do it!
We can RISK as we listen, hear, and respond to that call, as God enables and graces us with the courage it will take to “adjust the rudder” of our ship.
I don’t know about you, but I'm going to be watching closely for the changes in the spiritual weather.
And I’ll be listening carefully so I don't miss the voice of God in the darkness.
If someone asks me about a voice that they may have heard calling their name in the night, I’ll be ready to tell them to say these words.
“Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening."
"The Lord came and stood there and called as he had before, “Samuel, Samuel!”Samuel said, “Speak, Lord. I am your servant and...... I am listening.” -Samuel 3:10
Mary Lindow 2020
Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed provided that  
complete source,podcast and website information for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank You Copyright © 2020 -  THE MESSENGER " ~Mary Lindow
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Tuesday Sep 25, 2018

A Prophetic Insight For Today's Church
By Mary Lindow through the Holy Spirit 
The Lord has shown me that there are a great number of Divine plans being drawn up and a re-designing going on in the lives of those called to move into the roles of Kingdom modeling of the Father's heart, the Savior's desire and the Holy Spirit’s purest functions in the Body.
"See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms.
To uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow.
To build and to plant."
- Jeremiah 1:10
The Lord spoke to me in this time about His house of worship.
As we put first and out in front of everything else, the “becoming of safe shelters” and hearts of men surrendered to him as yielded vessels, there will be rooms re-designed by the "Master’s craftsmen" that will be filled with strategically planned prayer initiatives, music rooms equipped with "unpolluted spiritual headsets" to hear the songs of the Kingdom and then actually record and share them freely. 
Church sanctuaries will become more like "family rooms" where multi-cultural groups become "one family" as they fix their eyes on upon the "fireplace" of the presence of the Holy Spirit and His Upper Room visitation type of power and might, accompanied by inspired teaching from God’s word.
 "I also told them about the gracious hand of my God upon me,
And what the King had said to me.
They replied, "Let us start refurbishment."
So they began this good work.
~ Nehemiah 2:18
"Yes says the Lord!  I Am restructuring everything in your lives that I have allowed to be taken and shaken from you! How can you be examples of My fresh demonstration in the earth with the worn out living of the past?
Those who continue to cling to the accolades of the past and bygone ministry meetings and services (even if they were recent) will receive a limited amount of new responsibilities until they realize that the past is... PAST!
Each day is a new day and needs a fresh approach to the fresh design template that I AM revealing!"
"The day for building your walls will come,
the day for extending your boundaries."
 Micah 7:11
The unseen prophetic and travailing groups of individuals, who are being shaped into the fabric of my own weaving, are currently being made ready for a swift and dynamic change of stride. 
What was once long and hard will become shortened and filled with purpose. Release of My grace and abundant mercy is coming into fulfillment as you end your cycle of instructions for this past season. 
"My friends don’t be surprised at the painful things that you are now suffering, 
Which are testing your faith.
Don’t think that something strange is happening to you.
 But you should be happy that you are sharing in Christ’s sufferings.
You will be happy and full of joy when Christ shows his glory."
1 PETER 4:12-13
There will be shouts and tears of joy as heaven moves upon the hearts of wise, kingdom-minded saints, who have been given grave responsibility over heavenly blessed currency.
My sober, truth-seeking saints, will hear my voice and will not be moved by flashy pleas for glamorous support and promises of free gifts in return!  No! They will be led by the counsel of my Holy Spirit to be vessels that release a steady flow into the hands of those ready to only build with the name "Jesus" on the final product.
The financial institutions will be dumbfounded as supernatural windfalls hit many believers, while worldly concepts and scheming only further muddy the waters of universal finance.
Allow Me to do this work of re-construction without hindrance or fear!
I will RE-ESTABLISH a new "habitat of worship" within each of My people who allow Me to walk into each room of their hearts, tearing out the embedded dirt, grime and staleness of passive and fearful living.
Accusing and harsh judgments, disrespect for others who have devoted their time in preparation, and -critical attitudes will be purged again and again in the hearts of believers who have yet to see those whom I lovingly call beloved and faithful, even though viewed as awkward or fragile in the eyes of the immature or worldly heart.
"All who belong to the Lord, 
 show how you love him!

The Lord protects the faithful, 
But he firmly rebukes
 everyone who is proud."
Psalm 31:23
It is the day for each member of My Body to think of themselves as one Godly unit, ready to honor and edify each unique Master plan of their King.
It's the hour where building upon egos and entitlement is over and the conviction of My Spirit goes to work, until the knowledge of humility and eternal reward are viewed as the most perfect and timeless design.
 "Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts,
Try to excel in gifts that build up the church."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:12
As the training in humility and gentleness of “heart-expanded compassion” are applied in your lives as friends of Me, your King, your souls will stop from striving and from chasing after lofty goals you set out to accomplish in your own strength.
You will learn to listen to the wisdom and warnings of others in simplicity and in humility. In gentleness you will sincerely approach one another as I the Lord do to you.  Although I am the wisest among you, I put no heavy yokes or shameful methods of performance upon my children.
I simply yoke them to Myself in a promised rest when they yield humbly. 
"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
For I am gentle and humble in heart,
And you will find rest for your souls."
Matthew 11:29
" Hear Me!  - Cries the Spirit of Holy Grace and Mercy!
I desire to move upon, in, and through each of you. Not one of you alone can endure the onslaughts of evil by standing aloof and silent. Nor can the most vocal of gifts among you clearly communicate all that I long to express.
Until each one is willing to step into the Holy place of pure relationship with Me and with one another, waiting, crying out in prayer, Yes - even waiting until I come and refresh, then those ready for training and release who are waiting in the wings will not fully come forward.
Until it is imprinted into your heart that this segment in time is for the saving of the lost, the redeeming of the wasted, and the release of the power of My glory, you will be so very frustrated by the heaviness that continually harasses your soul.
What I authorize, I protect. 
Be certain that you have heard what I am saying.
I am fully aware of the weariness and fatigue you have been experiencing. Heavier than anything you can recall from the past.
“Do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, 
As though something strange were happening to you!”
1 Peter 4:12
There are many others globally who are also still wrestling out of the cocoon in newness and are suffering also. PRAY FOR THEM!
Conflict will be a normal disturbance in the days ahead. Unless you harness the power of consistent prayer and train yourselves in regular gatherings of prayer and worship together, you will shrink back into serious doubt, anxiety and dread when the trauma of warfare attacks!!
Awaken your silent tongue and give voice to my name, My power and My Kingdom Solutions! No resistance executed against you will ultimately succeed! My Spirit longs to broadcast wonders, to decree Justice, and to destroy darkness with your lips proclaiming from the spirit. 
"So is my word that goes out from my mouth: 
It will not return to me empty, 
But will accomplish what I desire 
And achieve the purpose for which I sent it." 
Isaiah 55:11
 Speak out in truth and in praise and I will step into your midst with the peace you have been craving and seeking for. Quickly! Enter in before you make decisions and exchange ideas with others who might dilute what I am speaking to you!
When I am given My rightful place of honor and reverence…
… Then I will speak and give you clear vision and direction."
"In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning
I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. "
Psalm 5:3
Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed provided that complete message and website information for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank you! Copyright © 2018  "The Messenger " ~ Mary Lindow

Monday Jan 14, 2013

By Mary Lindow

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Many well meaning people try hard to give pep talks, cheery texts and even send emails with profound  topics or inspirational contents all in the hope of giving a bit of relief from the ever increasing “noises” of an uncertain world.
“ I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

This is not always an easy question to answer right away. Emotions and physical reactions to the question begin to swirl and elevate stress levels when anxiety creeps in.
And, fear is a terror that can paralyze anyone if enough of it is allowed to enter our minds. And that is exactly where it first penetrates our peace. In the Mind.
Fright, fearfulness, horror, alarm, panic, agitation, trepidation, dread, consternation, dismay, distress; anxiety, worry, angst, unease, uneasiness, apprehension, nervousness, foreboding;
If you are afraid or “fear” being misled by someone, you will limit your intimacy or openness with him or her. Many believers in need of healing emotionally from harsh or indifferent parenting tend to keep deep relationships or friendship at arm’s length in order to maintain a sense of control or privacy for themselves.
This can become a form of “selective hearing or selective listening” if the individual feels that they need to remain aloof and frosty in order to gain the respect or validation that they feel that they need to exist.
The problem with this cycle is that is creates a private  “terror” of not having a solid place of safety with a few dear and treasured people, flawed people… but those willing to also be vulnerable and open.
Psalm 27:1
“The LORD is my light and my salvation-- whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life-- of whom shall I be afraid?”
Every situation, location, and relationship of our everyday lives is in some way broken. As fallen creatures, the best we can ever do in this life is to know how to live in this broken-down house/earth suit that’s our current address. And, nothing and no one but God himself, in the fullness of his time, can change where we live. So as we experience the reality of life in this house, sometimes it will leave us confused and overwhelmed.
Sometimes it will leave us hurt and angry. Sometimes people will give way to envy because the house or “life” of someone living nearby seems far less broken. Sometimes we just get weary of the stress of it all and long for a house in perfect repair.
In those moments, those days, those seasons, remember that you are never on your own. The Master Builder has given us a copy of his renovation manual, the Bible. It will help us to understand why things are as broken as they are. It teaches us how to live well even in the midst of the brokenness. And it will explain the only way in which repair can ever happen.
Just never forget that the Designer himself has moved into the house with you. You’ve not been left alone. You can rest assured of his presence and his wisdom. His grace has blessed you with both of these.
However, He must be fully welcomed and invited into all of the “locked and hidden access areas” that others are not often trusted to enter into.
He who offers you such grace and guidance will never ask you to do what you are not fully capable of doing by God’s grace and ever present Spirit. He will not demand things of you that are beyond your abilities. Our Lord is tender and kind. He knows who you are and he knows where you’re living. He knows how hard it is to live in your broken-down house because in the flesh he lived here himself.
The Lord invites you to walk away from trying to figure it out on your own and he welcomes you to sit at his feet and learn the simplicities of living; things so full of meaning that you will see your world in a completely new way; things so practical that you will never live the same way again.
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.”
Philippians 2:3

Have you recently made decisions about who you will share with on any level such as giving, talking of dreams, sorrows, losses, major life events, and then afterward - pulled back only to run to either another source for additional validation or to agree with your choices or decisions? Or, have you reacted to some of the counsel or responses you have received by testing those whom you have shared with by removing your favor, kindness or former warmth from them?
These actions are often made rapidly when we are fearful or fear being wounded, and shift us into a place of survival and self-protection.
They can also isolate us from a loving, safe and healthy “corrective course” or direction away from fear and its tentacles.

When we step into the hand of God we find the place of acceptance, and safety and an opportunity for service. It is the place of real authority, as well as of hiddenness.
God only works with those who are in His hand and those who do not keep jumping out of it, attempting to either control their own fears, but instead, often try to control others around them due to being fearful of the choices others make possibly affecting them.
Both greatly hinder the ability to trust other godly people and above all, to trust the safety of letting God do His job, while we rest in His hand.
The more we lie sheltered there, the more surely will He use us down the road. And it will be alongside others who freely share all that they have, without fear. Just as you will learn as you let go, and allow the Father to build a “Safe House” out of your life in His presence.
May the Lord do for us according to His word.
He said, "I have put My words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of My hand."
Charles Spurgeon spoke such a beautiful statement and I want to share it with you here.
“The shadow of God is not the occasional resort,
but the constant abiding- place, of the saint.

Under His shadow we are to feel that we are at home,
and then He will make Himself at home to us by becoming food unto our souls,
and giving spiritual refreshment to us while we rest.”

When this is learned and treasured, you will then not withhold from or test others with rules or regulations set up to certainly fail them. We ruin great friendships or opportunities when we expect from others total vulnerability and openness and then only give part of what we have and who we are back in return.
Colossians 3:12
“Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”
Perhaps you are waiting on Christ, desiring His company, and while you are thinking these thoughts you are asking, "Will He ever direct His full gaze upon me? Will He ever speak loving words to me? Will He ever let me sit at His feet? Will He ever permit me to lean my head upon His shoulder?"

Though you might shake like a leaf in a strong wind. Come! Sometimes those who come trembling are those who are aware that they are the lowest and the Creator the highest. When finally admit that our own self-esteem is less than nothing and is total vanity, then Jesus is the more good and lovely in our eyes.
Let your humility of heart, and your sense of hollowness, as a replacement for disqualifying you, be a sweet instrument for leading you to receive more of Christ.
“Before his downfall a man's heart is proud,
But humility comes before honor.”
Proverbs 18:12
The emptier I am, the more room is there for the Lord
The more I lack, the more He will give me.
The more I feel my weakness, the more shall I adore and bless Him when He makes me whole.
You’re never in a better place than when you give up on you and begin to trust in what is certain.
The life-shaping wisdom of the One who created you - in the first place.
“After all, every house has a builder,
But the builder of everything is God.”
Hebrews 3:4

Duplication and re-transmission of this writing is welcomed provided that complete source and website information for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank You!
Copyright  2013  " THE MESSENGER " ~ Mary Lindow

Copyright © Mary Lindow. All rights reserved.

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